BubbleDialog compoment for Vaadin Flow 14+
Show a bubble dialog near to the target component.
- Version 0.+, 1.+ is compatible with Vaadin 14.+
- Version 2.+ is compatible with Vaadin 23.+
Button btn = new Button("B");
btn.addClickListener((event) -> {
btn.setThemeName("contained primary");
VerticalLayout lyBubble = new VerticalLayout();
lyBubble.add(new Label("bubble label"));
lyBubble.add(new Label("msg 1"));
lyBubble.add(new Label("msg 2"));
lyBubble.add(new Label("msg3"));
bd = new BubbleDialog(btn.getElement(), lyBubble).setArrowLength(55).setTimeout(10000);