DSA course assignment for visually representing graphs with circular edges, adjacency matrix, and some other micro functionalities.Made with QT creator version-11
In this assignment, you have to create an application for graph processing which should have the following features:
- Take as input the number of nodes in the graph
- Take as input the density of the graph
- Store the graph in an adjacency matrix.
- Add the following features/functions to your application
- Give a node to show its degree
- Find the node with the maximum degree
- Find the node with a minimum degree
- Display the raw adjacency matrix
- Give a node to find all its neighbors
- QGraphicsScene- for displaying the graph
- QGraphicsEllipseItem- for ellipse shape of the nodes/vertices
- QTime - for randomly generating the edges for nodes to save time
- QCoreApplication - provide loops for events without UI
- XML - for designing
- Basic CPP graph logic to find max and min node degree
- QLineEdit Widget - for input boxes
- QTextEdit - for displaying the adjacency matrix of the graphs
- QPushButtons - for buttons
- 0<=density<=1
- Adjacency Matrix has a scroll effect to see it
- The Find Neighbors push-button produces message-box
◉ Anns Khan ◉ Computer Science - GIKI