Download all case files with ease!
Install rbenv, which is a tool that helps install/manage versions of Ruby (Note: make sure and follow the brew's post-install instructions):
$ brew install rbenv
And follow the initialization instructions for rbenv, provided by brew
$ rbenv init
Using rbenv install ruby:
$ rbenv install jruby-
Install bundle, which will help download/manage Ruby dependencies:
$ gem install bundler
Then use it to install dependencies:
$ bundle install
First you'll need to create the database
$ rake db:migrate
Now start both the rails server,
$ rails s
And in a seperate terminal, start a jobs worker
$ rake jobs:work
If you want to test out the DEMO flow (without VBMS connection),
Visit http://localhost:3000,
Type in a file number with "DEMO" in it. (ie: "DEMO123")
Watch it download your fake file.
TODO: fill this out
You'll need to add all the VBMS info to your config/secrets.yml