Crud Operations for Laravel
$ composer require developernaren/laravel-crud
Note: This pacakage is still not a stable package, hence not suitable for production.
add this line to the service providers list in app.config.php and that;s it.
$ php artisan crud:whole
This command asks two questions
- What entity are you trying to create crud for? The answer should be the entity name. Eg: category
- Fields string in format : separated by comma(,) Field and Type separated by comma. Eg: name:str,description:text
This command generates controller, model, request, create view, list view, migration files.
If you do not have to generate all the files, You can generate things individually
$ php artisan crud:controller <entity>
This generates controller for the given entity
$ php artisan crud:model <entity> <field string>
This generats model for the given entity with fillable
We can also generate relations this package. The supplied format to support realtions
<field>:fr-<foreigntable>.<foreign field>
for not null foreign keys
<field>:nlfr-<foreigntable>.<foreign field>
for nullable foreign keys
The foreign keys are made generic to support migration and relation.
$ php artisan crud:model blog name:str,
This command will generate a method
function user() {
$this->belongsTo( 'User' );
in Blog.php
Meaning a blog belongs to a user
$ php artisan crud:view <entity> <field string>
This generates create.blade.php and list.blade.php for the given entity with the fields
$ php artisan crud:request <entity> <field string>
This generates FormRequest class for the add form
$ php artisan request:migration <entity> <field string>
This generates migration for the given entity with the mentioned fields
We can also generate foreign keys through this package. The supplied format to support foreign keys should be
<field>:fr-<foreigntable>.<foreign field>
for not null foreign keys
<field>:nlfr-<foreigntable>.<foreign field>
for nullable foreign keys
We can also provide path for the migration to be created at in config file.
- Make the template dynamic
- List the replacable template variables so that user can create custom templates for the generated files
- Support foreign leys for migrations