My personal blog and website repo.
Based on the Gatsby Theme @lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog
Install with
npm install
If you have an Apple M processor you need to install the compatible vips
dependency. Follow the instructions here (except the @nuxt/image
install part).
To launch the Gatsby and Netlify dev environments run
netlify dev
Netlify CLI is not a requirement but you will need it if you want to run APIs and functions. If you just need the static website dev environment you can run
gatsby develop
API's are usually serverless functions at /api
To get what I am currntly listening to at Spotify send a GET request to /api/nowListening
Returns a JSON file of format:
"album":"Her Tape #2",
"title":"Jeanie J"
Add comments(added Disqus, self hosting takes too long) - [] Test if newsletter is being sent when a new post is made
- [] Avoid images being too large in height
- [] Keep images smaller and enlarge images on click