🐛 Bug Fixes
#1953 - Users get dead unauthorized page without dashboard permissions.
#1938 - Add Character Limit in Activity Title and Description.
#1936 - In Leads when we add tags and there when we add Long Tag Name without space causes UI issue.
#1935 - Duplication of won and lost stages regarding pipeline on prospect detail view
#1934 - Was the ability to export leads/contacts removed in 2.0 ?
#1917 - UI Issue in Activity Description on Activities Page: Content Limit Needed.
#1915 - Character Validation for Warehouse and Quotes Address Fields
#1914 - Exceptional Error Displayed When Previewing Webform Without Admin Login
#1873 - FIlters Drop down for Type and Entity Type is having other translation missing.
#1868 - Workflow Webhook not work
#1853 - Menu Caching causing menu use old role menu access, not real menu
#1850 - Failing to access webform when not logged in
#1848 - In Webform when we click on Add Attribute Button, there we can see translation is missing.
#1846 - Placeholder Entries Not Visible in Webform Preview Page
#1840 - UI Issue When Adding Long Entries in Pipeline Stage Name Section
#1838 - In leads Filter we need to change the placeholder Text for Expected Delivery Date and Created Date.
#1836 - UI Issue in Email Input Section of Compose Mail Box
#1835 - Shimmer Effect Missing on Create Quote Form Page
#1834 - In Lead Won/Lost drop down arrow positiion is not working.
#1833 - Assigned Organization Not Displayed in New Lead When Person with Organization is Selected .
#1831 - Shimmer Effect Missing on Create Lead Form Page
#1829 - User Edit and Current Password Mandatory Field Validation Not Working.
#1828 - UI issue is appearing when we assign Inventory to the product in location.
#1827 - Delete Icon in the Location and QTY assigning to product is not aligned properly.
#1825 - Datagrid "Action" Heading Misaligned.
#1824 - Need to update the Text in Dashboard Open Leads By States. Change it to Open Leads By Stages.
#1823 - Shimmer effect in the WebForm Page is not appropriate.
#1822 - When viewing person profile and there when we remove 1 email and save it. All emails entry appears empty.
#1821 - When I am updating the Phone Number and Email drop-down to Work to Home or Home to Work, it is not functionaling properly.
#1820 - Change the text to Mega Search in Mega Search Bar
#1819 - In Mega Search Add button Email option, Clicking on it should directly open the create mail pop-up box.
#1817 - Sales Details Bar Graph Not Displaying Properly Due to UI Issue with Lost Leads Graph for todays sale.
#1812 - Adjust Font Size and Line Height Alignment in Leads Section Without Entries
#1811 - Add a Scrollbar for Long Warehouse Entries in Product Inventory Addition
#1808 - Remove Location Validation in Activities
#1807 - Organization Name in Person View Page Should be in Black Color.
#1806 - Update Button in Filters Not Visible in Dark Theme
#1804 - Creating a Quote Without a Product Leads to a "Not Found" Page
#1803 - Creating a Quote without Product leads to Not Found page.
#1802 - Enhance Saved Filter Entry UI and Make Cross Icon Visible.
#1801 - Add Back Button in Save/Update Filter Section
#1800 - Add Proper Spacing and Padding in Calendar Filter
#1799 - Enable Auto-Save for Text Fields in Filters Without Requiring "Enter"
#1798 - Lead Name Not Displaying Properly in "Open Leads By States" Dashboard Widget in Dark Mode.
#1797 - Update the Format of Organization Address on Person View Page
#1796 - Negative Inventory Appears in "On Hand" When Allocated Inventory Exceeds "In Stock"
#1795 - Deleting Email and Contact Number from Lead Also Removes Them from the Person
#1794 - Organization Details Removed from Person After Lead Creation Without Adding Organization in Lead
#1793 - Spelling Mistake in URL for Calendar When Viewing Activities
#1792 - Activity Link Redirects to Lead Section Instead of Specific Lead.
#1791 - Add Proper Spacing Between the Comment and Date Columns in Activities
#1790 - Display Quote Subject, Person, and Custom Attributes in Quote Print.
#1789 - Custom Attributes Assigned to Quotes Are Not Visible
#1788 - Deleting a Source Also Deletes Related Leads .
#1787 - Total Lead Entry Not Displayed on Dashboard Bar Graph in Leads.
#1786 - Inappropriate Validation Allows Negative Price in Product Creation.
#1785 - Proper Character Validation Needed for Name and Job Title in Person Section.
#1784 - Proper Character Validation Needed for Name, City, Address, and Zip Code in Organization
#1782 - Text Type Attribute Validation is not working in leads section.
#1781 - Dashboard Pie Chart Not Displaying Colors for All Lead Details
#1767 - Date and Time Format in RTL view for User Settings is not appropriate.
#1764 - Remove the Mandatory Asterisk sign from the Make as Default in Pipeline.
#1762 - User Deleted When Assigned Custom Role is Removed.
#1761 - Custom Role Created Without Selecting Options Causes Exception on User Login
#1760 - Incorrect Text Displayed in Create Group Modal Box
#1758 - Add Character Limit Validation for Tags Configuration
#1755 - GUI Installer: Admin Password Accepts Fewer Than Minimum Required Characters
#1744 - Deleted Options still appearing when we are check the select type attribute when editing it.
#1742 - Attribute Created File Type and assigned to product. PDF is not appearing on Product View Page.
#1741 - Attribute Created and assigned to product. Attribute is not appearing on Product View Page.
#1732 - Create a new attribute and assign it to Quotes, we are unable to see the assigned Attribute data.
#1701 - XSS vulnerability at Note function.
#1691 - Mails details are not stored in Activities and changelog in ech section of Krayin.
#1690 - Compose Mail, Mail To Entry issue is appearing. This issue is appearing in almost all mail related section.
#1687 - Need to add correct translation for the Sources text in Settings section.
#1679 - Workflow Mails are not working. Files are missing due to which mails are not working also Translations are missing.
#1649 - Drag and Drop Leads Card on Kanban error because fixing sortOrder of #1594
#1614 - When we create a webform without enable lead toggle button, there we can see attribute options are not appear.
#1611 - When Priniting to pdf, cuurency Symbol gets printed with ? instead of the Symbol.
#1609 - Error displaying person contacts
#1603 - Bug: Page resets when entering the first character in "URL And Parameters" while creating a Webhook on mobile
#1598 - Translation Variables Displayed Instead of Text in Email Notifications
#1595 - REST API: ReflectionException "Class 'Webkul\Attribute\Http\Requests\AttributeForm' does not exist" in Krayin CRM v2.0.1 Bug
#1961 - Changing activity schedule from / to date not saving
#1954 - Decimal values must be saved in product Price.