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DevOps Practice Assingment

Implementing Kube, ArgoCD and Docker with ArgoCD Canary Release

Setting up

Minikube and KubeCTL

Install Kube on the machine. I am using MiniKube

Run the below command to start installation of minikube and kubectl.

curl -LO sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube curl -LO "$(curl -L -s" sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl kubectl version minikube version

Install docker with the script at the script/

Once the installation is completed, start the kube cluster on your computer with the below command. I have included coredn addon. Note: minikube uses a VM Manager, make sure you have one installed for it to create a VM.

minikube start --addons=dns=coredns

After the minikube has the VM created for you run the below command to verify. It wil display you all of the available nodes.

kubectl get nodes

Run the below two commands to check if the setup is working correctly. Below commands will expose and create a minikube service and expose it to be accessed.

kubectl create deployment minikube --image=kicbase/echo-server:1.0 kubectl expose deployment minikube --type=NodePort --port=8080

Run the below command to get the URL for the above service and open the given address.

minikube service minikube --url

Installing Argo CD

Install argocd with the below command.

kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f

ArgoCD Rollouts namespace downloaded

kubectl create namespace argo-rollouts kubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f

Run the below command to patch it

kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/type", "value": "LoadBalancer"}]'

Install ArgoCD CLI or form here

curl -sSL -o argocd-linux-amd64 sudo install -m 555 argocd-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argocd rm argocd-linux-amd64

Get the admin password with:

argocd admin initial-password -n argocd

Run the below command to run ArgoCD

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

login into ArgoCD using the CLI. Default is below. Use the admin default user and password you from the command in the cli before.

argocd login

Once inside the ArgoCD UI, create the app and traverse around as you may.

Get the kube address from the below command

kubectl config view

Create Namespace

kubectl create ns docuseal-ns

Apply the files on Kube with the below command. PS: It also accpets folders. cd into the repo abd run the below command.

kubectl apply -f canary

After all of this, create a application with the github repo and start it. Get the application-canary.yml from github repo at root, Open ArgoCD > Create App > Edit as a YML and paste it there > Create app.

Install ArgoCD Rollouts Plugin. curl -LO chmod +x ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64 sudo mv ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts

fetch rollouts with the below commands kubectl get rs -n docuseal-ns kubectl argo rollouts list rollouts -n docuseal-ns kubectl argo rollouts get rollouts rollout-docuseal -n docuseal-ns

Promote the app once identifying that the rollout can be proceeded with. kubectl argo rollouts promote rollout-docuseal -n docuseal-ns

Get Commands will be handy

kubectl get pod kubectl get svc kubectl get ns kubectl get rs

Clean up

Open ArgoCD and Delete the application. As the app is deleted all of the services and pods should not longer exist.

Run the below command

kubectl get ns

Delete the namespaces you had created. eg below

kubectl delete ns docuseal-ns

Shutdown the kube using

minikube stop

Delete the minikube data

minikube delete


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