In the very begin, dev team will have only a few API, 3-4 developers. People work very close and system is still small to understand. After that, when we have many servers, each server have many API, how we can remember the purpose of each api. Some companies have 100 microservices (servers), each service open 15 API, then this company will have 1500 API. Then people have to write document for each API for purpose: understand what we have and how we use our API.
API builder is a document oriented. We should write all document about API before we start programing this API. We can have a good document from begining, people can search API there and they always contribute to there
Fist at all, we have document for team member and for client. Frontend and backend dev will cooperation better because they just follow the document.
Second, we can generate API from API Builder. We can do many automation things for system.
- Generate SDK for client. Client can be another service (banckend) or frontend (javascript)
- Build API automated
- Documentation for team
- Auto generated test for API