Kotlin Native library for create sub-process and redirect their I/O.
Rust is an excellent language that takes into account both performance and engineering.
In version 1.x, we use the following API to provide the function of creating child processes
of [POSIX api]CreateChildProcess
of [win32 api]java.lang.ProcessBuilder
of JVM
In version 2.x, we use the Rust standard library to provide the function of creating child processes.
of Rustjava.lang.ProcessBuilder
of JVM
It will bring
- More unified API
- Easier to use API
- Performance is still excellent
- Easier to maintain
- Code structure is clearer
- x86_64-apple-darwin
- aarch64-apple-darwin
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
- x86_64-pc-windows-gnu (mingw-w64)
- jvm
- Rust Standard Library 1.83.0
- Kotlin Multiplatform 2.1.0
// ……
repositories {
// ……
dependencies {
// should replace with the latest version
Full example check kommand-examples/timeout.
- rust toolchain - 1.83.0 (https://rustup.rs)
- just (install with
cargo install just
- just (install with
- cross-compile toolchain
- x86_64-apple-darwin
- aarch64-apple-darwin
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
- x86_64-pc-windows-gnu (mingw-w64)
- docker (optional)
Recommend build all platforms in macOS.
Kotlin Multiplatform gets the most complete support on macOS.
If you are using macOS, you can install the cross-compile toolchain with
just prepareOtherwise, you need to install the cross-compile toolchain yourself.
git clone https://github.com/kgit2/kommand.git
cd kommand-core
just all
./gradlew build
Only linux support cross-platform test.
- install docker
- test it
# for x86_64
just linuxX64Test
# for aarch64
just linuxArm64Test
@XJMiada.(Original Picture)
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