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Xml Parameters and Results

Jon Wagner edited this page Feb 20, 2014 · 2 revisions

For the SQL Server provider, you can use the xml data type as both input parameters and results. Insight automatically can convert various types to and from the xml type.

Assume you have a stored procedure like this:

CREATE PROC InsightTestProc (@Xml xml) AS 
	-- do something

XmlDocument as an Xml Parameter

XmlDocument is converted to an Xml parameter by sending the OuterXml to the server.

// create a document
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

_connection.Execute("InsightTestProc", new { Xml = doc });

XDocument as an Xml Parameter

XDocument is also converted to an Xml parameter by sending the OuterXml to the server.

XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse("<Data><Text>foo</Text></Data>");

_connection.Execute("InsightTestProc", new { Xml = doc });

String as an Xml Parameter

Strings are sent unconverted to an Xml parameter. The caller is required to verify that the string can be converted to Xml by the server.

string doc = "<Data><Text>foo</Text></Data>";

_connection.Execute("InsightTestProc", new { Xml = doc });

Object as an Xml Parameter

Any other object is converted to an Xml parameter by using the DataContractSerializer.

class Data
	public string Text;

// create a document
Data d = new Data()
	Text = "foo"

_connection.Execute("InsightTestProc", new { Xml = d });

Xml Columns in Table-Valued Parameters

Yes, this works too.

Assume you have:

CREATE TYPE [XmlDataTable] AS TABLE ([Data] [Xml])

When Insight maps an object to XmlDataTable, it will automatically use the rules above to convert the property into Xml for the column.

So if you have an object that contains an object:

class Parent
	public Data Data;

You can send a Parent to the database, and Data will automatically be converted to the Xml column using the DataContractSerializer.

Parent r = new Parent();
r.Data = new Data();
r.Data.Text = "foo";

var list = _connection.Query<Parent>("XmlTestProc", new { p = new List<Parent>() { r } });
var item = list[0];

Note that the query results also convert Xml columns back into objects, XDocuments, XmlDocuments or strings for you.

Really? Yes.

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