- bin (source code )
- data (datafile downloaded from fred rest api)
- archive (compressed old datafile)
- report (reports)
- doc (documentations)
- Save and uncompress provided fred.zip file in your local postgres home directory
su - postgres cd ~/fred/bin
Connect to database via psql to create fred schema, staging table observation table psql -d postgres -f sql/create_observation_schema.sql
Execute python script to fetch series data from fred api and convert to csv datafile
python populate_csv.py -s UNRATE
python populate_csv.py -s UMCSENT
python populate_csv.py -s GDPC1
- Truncate Staging (skip this step if staging is empty. there are no prior load)
psql -d postgres -f sql/truncate_observation_staging.sql
- Load cvs data into staging table
Note: You will have to change the datafile directory path if it different from your environemnt.
psql -d postgres -c "COPY observation_staging
(series,realtime_start, realtime_end, observation_date, value)
FROM '/Users/postgres/fred/data/fred_series_UNRATE.csv'
WITH (ENCODING 'utf-8', HEADER 1,FORMAT 'csv')";
psql -d postgres -c "COPY observation_staging
(series,realtime_start, realtime_end, observation_date, value)
FROM '/Users/postgres/fred/data/fred_series_UMCSENT.csv'
WITH (ENCODING 'utf-8', HEADER 1,FORMAT 'csv')";
psql -d postgres -c "COPY observation_staging
(series,realtime_start, realtime_end, observation_date, value)
FROM '/Users/postgres/fred/data/fred_series_GDPC1.csv'
WITH (ENCODING 'utf-8', HEADER 1,FORMAT 'csv')";
- Validate and flag staging table
psql -d postgres -f sql/validate_observation_staging.sql
- Transform data in staging and load into observation table
psql -d postgres -f sql/transform_and_load_observation_table.sql
- Generate average annual unemployment rate report to report directory
psql -d postgres -f sql/annual_unemployment_average.sql -o ../report/annual_unemployment_average_report.txt
- Save and extract fred tar file in user home directory
su - postgres
tar -xvf fred.tar
cd ~/fred/bin
- Connect to database via psql to create fred schema, staging table observation table
psql -d postgres -f sql/create_observation_schema.sql
- I wrote a simple automation script to do the following tasks:
- Fetch json data from Fred Rest API
- Convert into cvs datafile
- Truncate staging table
- Load cvs data into staging table
- Transform and load data from staging to observation table
Note: You will have to verify and have to change the load datafile path to your environment if is diferent. The path is in line 22 from run.py script
FROM '/Users/postgres/fred/data/fred_series_%s.csv'
python run.py
- Generate average annual unemployment rate report to report directory
psql -d postgres -f sql/annual_unemployment_average.sql -o ../report/annual_unemployment_average_report.txt
- To schedule to run midnight everyday
crontab -e
0 00 * * * /Users/postgres/fred/bin/run.py