KinderKit-1 is a simple Java-based educational tool. The application features a user-friendly interface for drawing.
- Interactive Drawing: Allows plauers to draw freely, fostering creativity and motor skills development.
- Shape and Color Recognition: Provides basic shape and color recognition.
To run KinderKit-1 on your local machine, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
- Java Development Kit (JDK): Version 8 or higher.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd KinderKit-1
Compile the Java files:
javac *.java
Run the application:
java KinderKit
After launching the application, children can interact with a drawing area, where they can explore colors and shapes. The app will guide them by recognizing shapes and providing feedback based on their input.
Contributions to improve KinderKit-1 are welcome. To contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Commit your changes with clear and descriptive messages.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request with details about your changes.