Welcome to the Git workshop!
- The “readings” directory contains the entire workshop in textual form.
- The “cheat_folders” are there to provide a fallback if you get really lost. Each folder refers to what the repository state should look like after completing the relevant reading.
For example, if you want to start on [[Local Git Repo - #2 Branching]], then make a copy of the basics_1 directory.
- The only thing you need to read for now is the [[Git Setup]] file.
- If you get lost or if the pace of the workshop is too slow/fast for you, the readings are there for you to reference.
- If you break your repo and just want to skip ahead to the next section, the “cheat_folders” are there for you.
- The [[Git Setup]] file is there to get you set up, and then proceed through the rest of the readings in order. You may find the slides useful as well.