Some scripts I used to transfer email and website contents from one ISPConfig server to another. Might be usefull for someone looking for info on how to use the ISPConfig API with python.
- create VM
- install docker
- install ispconfig
- install csf
- create api users on source and destination [ispconfig_add_api_user.yml]
- sync ispconfig config [ispconfig_clone_config (]
- set up mailsync in docker [email_sync_setup_in_docker.yml]
- a. set email master password on both sides [set_dotcove_master-user.yml] b. sync email passwords [get_remote_email_passwords_mysql.yml, set_email_passwords_mysql.yml (,] c. sync email [email_sync_run.yml (]
- sync sites [rsync-sites.yml (]
- custom configuration settings [custom_configurations.yml]