A React wrapper for Typekit's webfontloader NPM package.
To load your webfonts more intelligently, avoid FOUT with them, and / or to ensure that they have REALLY loaded before doing something (use them in canvas etc).
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import WebfontLoader from '@dr-kobros/react-webfont-loader';
// webfontloader configuration object. *REQUIRED*.
const config = {
google: {
families: ['Source Sans Pro:300,600'],
// Callback receives the status of the general webfont loading process. *OPTIONAL*
const callback = status => {
// I could hook the webfont status to for example Redux here.
// This receives the font specific status of the webfont loading process. *OPTIONAL*
const fontCallback = (font, variation, status) => {
// I could hook the webfont status to for example Redux here.
// wrap your root component with the supplied wrapper component.
<WebfontLoader config={config} onStatus={callback} onFontStatus={fontCallback}>
<App />