Runs 'vi' against one of the results of the last command you ran.
Basic case (one result):
$ find . -name fred ./fred $ vyl ----> vi now opens to edit the file ./fred
Multiple results:
$ find . -name fred ./fred ./src/fred $ vyl 2 ----> vi now opens to edit the file ./src/fred
Use a differnt editor:
EITHER set EDITOR environment variable and vyl will use that by default
$ export EDITOR=nano $ find . -name fred ./fred ./src/fred $ vyl ----> vi now opens ./fred in nano
OR specify it as the third parameter (you will have to supply the line number even if there's only one).
$ find . -name fred ./fred ./src/fred $ vyl 1 nano ----> vi now opens ./fred in nano
Clone the git repo and then symlink vyl into to a direectory that is on your path
git clone ~/Projects/vyl ln -s ~/Projects/vyl ~/bin
vyl is release under the MIT license, please see the comments in vyl for the full license text
Fork the repo, hack away, send a github pull-request.
The name started as 'vil' which was short for 'vi last' as in 'vi' the last result I got. But an amusing mistake led to 'vyl', which is pronounced 'vile', which is a nice, but nasty name :)