MazeAdventure - A 2D Maze Escape Game
Welcome to MazeAdventure, a thrilling 2D maze escape game developed in Java. In this game, you'll navigate through a challenging maze, searching for keys to unlock doors, collecting speed boost items, and facing off against menacing monsters.
MazeAdventure offers a variety of exciting features that will keep you engaged and entertained:
- Maze Exploration
- Key and Door System
- Speed Boosts
- Monster Encounters
- Health System
Learn more about the game features
To play MazeAdventure, follow these steps:
Installation: See the Installation section for instructions on how to set up the game.
Controls: Familiarize yourself with the Controls to navigate the character effectively.
Gameplay: Explore the maze, collect keys, and unlock doors. Use speed boost items strategically, battle monsters, and manage your health to reach the exit.
Jump to the "How to Play" section
Use the arrow keys to move your character (up, down, left, right). Press the Spacebar to attack. Encounter monsters automatically triggers battles. Collect health packs by moving over them to replenish your health. Learn more about the game controls
We welcome contributions to MazeAdventure. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages. Push your branch to your fork. Create a pull request to the main repository. Learn more about contributing to the project
This game is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and distribute it according to the terms of the license.
Learn more about the game's license