EazyExit is an open-source home automation and security solution which is focused to provide you with seamless connected home experience, while ensuring security in your absence.
- Added DB support and Node discovery feature.
- Added JAVA EazyExit server code
- Added WPS support, push WPS button on router to connect to node during power on.
- Added WiFiManager(https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager.git) support to dynamically manage WiFi connections.
- Added PlatformIO(http://platformio.org) development and Build support
- Added Node UUID based on Hash generated from MAC Address
- Added DNS support for NODE to avoid hardcoding MQTT server IP in firmware(IP ---> eazyexit.lan)
Change hostname from raspberrypi to eazy exit using below command and then download required packages:
- ``` sudo raspi-config > Advanced Options > hostnames to eazyexit```
- ``` sudo apt-get update ```
- ``` sudo apt-get install mosquito mosquito-clients ```
- Mosquito broker will automatically start running on <your_pi_ip_address> port 1883
Hardware Supported (ESP8266 Nodemcu modules).
Platform independent, only dependency is Python 2.7, pip installed.
Make sure SiLabs CP21xx USB to Serial drivers are installed.
Install and setup PlatformIO environment and command line tools
sudo pip install platformio
Clone the repo into your local machine
git clone https://github.com/Team-SDIoT/EazyExit.git
cd EazyExit
Fetch latest versions of submodules/dependent libraries using:
git submodule init
git submodule update
In case above step doesn’t work clone libraries manually
cd EazyExit/EazyExit-Node/lib
git clone https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient.git PubSubClient
git clone https://github.com/ekstrand/ESP8266wifi
git clone https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager.git
Edit "EazyExit/EazyExit-Node/lib/credentials/credentials.h" and add your WiFi SSID, WiFi password and IP address of server(Raspberry Pi) running MQTT broker
Edit GPIO pin number EazyExit/EazyExit-Node/src/ESP8266.cpp if required default is pin D0 on which on-board LED is connected
Build firmware using following command:
cd EazyExit-Node
pio run
// Note: This will build and generate binaries for all supportive hardwarepio run -r nodemcu
// Note: This will build and generate binary only for nodemcu hardware
Build Server code using following command:
cd EazyExit/EazyExit-Server
change JAVA_HOME in setenv.sh
run build.sh as bash build.sh or make it executable to run as ./build.sh
run deploy.sh in the folder where Deployable.tar resides
To manually flash the binary you will need to install esptool:
sudo pip install esptool
Identify COMM port of board attached to your machine using Device Manager on windows and following command on Linux or MAC OSX
ls /dev/tty*, on mac and linux it is /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
cd to directory holding binary:
EazyExit/.pioenvs/<Targer_Board> binary —> firmware.bin
Flash using esp_tool:
esptool.py -p <COMM_PORT> —baud 460800 write_flash —flash_size detect 0 firmware.bin
- ESP node listens to MQTT messages<onn/off> on topic myHome
- On raspberry pi run
mosquitto_pub -t myHome -m off
LED should be off andmosquitto_pub -t myHome -m one
LED should turn on.
- Download PlatformIO official IDE "http://platformio.org/platformio-ide" or PlatformIO Plugin for ATOM IDE (http://www.atom.io)