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ArxPy: a simple Python interface to Arx anonymization tool

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This is a simple python interface that uses jython to interact with Arx

Motivation: Arx is difficult to use and lack detailed documentation. Arx based on jave, even thought there are many examples it is still difficult to use by data scientists. Providing a python code and a simple way for configuration may benefit wide range of audiences.

The python script:

  • read JSON configueration files
    • anonymisation config: algorithm, privacy model, quality model, ..., etc
    • data config: attributes, hierarchies,..., etc
  • run the Arx anonymization process and produces result files
  • Notes:
    • data file must be saved in data folder with the same name e.g.:

    • config files must be saved in config folder with the same dataset name e.g.:

       ./config/<dataset-name>_dataCfg.json or ./config/<dataset-name>_dataCfg_short.json
    • if _dataCfg_short is provided, the file detailed _dataCfg file is ignored

    • Sample structure for a dataset input and output:

          ├───<dataset name>: dataset folder
          │   └───<dataset name>.csv: the dataset file 
          │   └───config: datasets configueration files (.json) and hierarchis (.csv) 
          │       ├───<dataset name>_anonyCfg.json: anonymization process configuerations
          │       ├───<dataset name>_dataCfg.json: data configuerations
          │       ├───<dataset name>_hr_<attribute1>.csv: attribute1 hierarchies
          │       ├───<dataset name>_hr_<attribute2>.csv: attribute2 hierarchies
          │       ├─── ...
          │       ├───<dataset name>_hr_<attributeN>.csv: attributeN hierarchies                                              
          │   └───results: results file from diffiernet configuerations
          │       ├───<Data Config Name>_<Anonymization Config Name 1>: results from this configuerations
          │       │   └───charts: all charts of the results of this configuerations  
          │       ├───<Data Config Name>_<Anonymization Config Name 2>: results from this configuerations
          │       │   └───charts: all charts of the results of this configuerations  
          │       ├─── ...
          │       └───<Data Config Name>_<Anonymization Config Name N>: results from this configuerations
          │           └───charts:all charts of the results of this configuerations  


Python, Jython, Java Python libs: pip3 install numpy matplotlib pandas plotly seaborn kaleido tensorflow-privacy diffprivlib

Tested on:

Linux ubuntu 22.04:

  java       21.0.1 2023-10-17 LTS
  Jython     2.7.2-DEV      
  Python     3.10.12
  matplotlib 3.5.1
  numpy      1.24.2
  pandas     1.5.3
  plotly     5.18.0
  seaborn    0.13.0

Windows 10:

  java       18.0.2 2022-07-19
  Jython     2.7.3            
  Python     3.6.4
  kaleido    0.1.0.post1
  matplotlib 3.5.2
  numpy      1.23.1
  pandas     1.4.3
  plotly     5.18.0
  seaborn    0.13.0

Compile and Run

    // Windpws
    // for all configs 
    C:\<path-to>\jython2.7.3\bin\jython.exe adults
    // for specific config
    C:\<path-to>\jython2.7.3\bin\jython.exe adults  D1_K5 D1

Creating hierarchies:

- Used Arx GUI, this video is helpful:
- One also can use chatGPT when possible
- Another way, is edit csv file directly as text or a table
- TODO: use hierachy builder in the code. 
- Hierarchy files must be saved next to the datafile with this format: 

  if the attributename hasspecial character then only the first two letters is used e.g. for CBC:g/dL


1. Data sampling: get a sample of the data from one or more datasets 
    arguments: s datasetName <0> 
2. Anonymiation: anonymize a data set using one or more anonymization configurations 
   arguments: a datasetName <anony_config_name> <data_config_name> 
3. Data sampling and anonymiation: sample from data then anonymize the sampled datase 
      using one or more anonymization configurations 
      arguments: sa datasetName <0> <anony_config_name> <data_config_name> 
   - Arguments like this <optinal> are optional, if no value is provided, a default value will be used 
   - The dataset must be saved in the data folder with the same name e.g. data/<dataset_name>/<dataset_name>.csv 
      hierarchies must be saved next to the csv dataset file in this format <dataset_name>/<datasetName>_hr_<attributeName>.csv 
      hierarchies should use ; separated data  
   - For each dataset, two configuerations muste be provided, one for the data and one for the anonymization process 
       in JSON format and saved in config folder with the same name e.g. config/<dataset_name>_anonyCfg.json 
       and  config/<dataset_name>_dataCfg.json or  config/<dataset_name>_dataCfg_short.json" )
   - In case multiple datasets are provided e.g. data/<dataset_name>/<dataset_name1>/<dataset_name1>.csv 
      for sampling: if mix==0, a new sampled data will be generated for each dataset data/<dataset_name>/<dataset_name1s>/<dataset_name1s>.csv 
              if mix==1, a mix of all data files will be generated for each dataset data/<dataset_name>/<dataset_name_s>/<dataset_name_s>.csv 

Data configueration short format:

  • type_mapping:
  • data_type_mapping:
    • "s": "String",
    • "int": "Integer",
    • "dec": "Decimal",
    • "dt": "Date",
    • "b": "Boolean" * data_format_mapping:
    • "d": "Default" * transformation_mapping:
    • "g": "Generalization",
    • "m": "Microaggregation",
    • "c": "ClusteringMicroaggregation" * transformation_function_mapping:
    • "m": "Mode",
    • "s": "Set"

Repository structure

TODO: move config to the dataset, so we have everything related to a dataset in one place

           ├───data: datasets and their hierarchies 
           │   ├───adults: dataset folder
           │   │   └───config: datasets configueration files (.json) and hierarchis (.csv) 
           │   │   └───results: results file from diffiernet configuerations
           │   │       ├───D1_Avg9: results from this configuerations
           │   │       │   └───charts: all charts of the results of this configuerations  
           │   │       ├───D1_Identity
           │   │       │   └───charts
           │   │       ├───D1_K3
           │   │       │   └───charts
           │   │       ├───D1_K5
           │   │       │   └───charts
           │   │       ├───D1_PITMAN
           │   │       │   └───charts
           │   │       └───D2_LEOSS
           │   │           └───charts
           ├───lib: required libs e.g. Arx api 
           ├───org: required Arx classes that are not available in arx lib
           ├───resources: figures and resources for github
           └───web: (not completed yet): web UI to generate the configueration files. Based on html and javascript.  

Sample results

These are results from adult dataset using LEOSS config


Python interface for Arx






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