EMR System using Python Repository
- System starts by running EMRSystemStart.py.
- Enter the user name and password separated by Space, for example user name: Hello and password:World enter "Hello World".
- Select the out of the available options seen on the console.
- Add a new Patient
- Search Patient
- Print all Patient Records
- Sign off
- Option "c" will print all the patient records available with the CSV file and we can also print a specific record by typing a patient id.
- With option "b" , we can look up for a patient with the help of first name, last name, date of birth and gender. It will provide further options to update demographic details like address or contact of the patient, delete a patient and update questionnaire for the user.
- With option "a", we can quickly register a new patient. Questionnaire can be updated once the patient is created and we can do a look up.