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Dapr Bindings - commercetools

In this quickstart sample, you'll create a microservice with an output binding. You'll bind to commercetools, but note that there are a myriad of components that Dapr can bind to (see Dapr components).

This quickstart includes one microservice:

  • Python microservice that utilizes an output binding

The binding connects to commercetools, allowing you to query or manipulate a commercetools projects using a provided GraphlQL query without having to know where the instance is hosted. Instead, connect through the sidecar using the Dapr API. See architecture diagram to see how the components interconnect locally:

Architecture Diagram

Dapr allows us to deploy the same microservices from the local machines to Kubernetes. Correspondingly, this quickstart has instructions for deploying this project locally or in Kubernetes.


Prerequisites to Run Locally

Prerequisites to Run in Kubernetes

Run Locally

Clone the quickstarts repository

Clone this quickstarts repository to your local machine:

git clone

Run Python Microservice with Output Binding

Next, run the Python microservice that uses output bindings

  1. Open a new CLI window and navigate to Python subscriber directory in your CLI:
cd pythonapp
  1. Install dependencies:
pip3 install requests
  1. Run Python quickstart app with Dapr:
dapr run --app-id bindings-pythonapp python3 --components-path ../components

Observe Logs

  1. Observe the Python logs, which show a successful output binding with Kafka:
[0m?[94;1m== APP == products found: 25
[0m?[94;1m== APP == - product name: miabag-handbag-14538-black
[0m?[94;1m== APP == - product name: miabag-handbag-15104-beige
[0m?[94;1m== APP == - product name: miabag-handtaschen-15117-pink


To cleanly stop the dapr microservices, run:

dapr stop --app-id bindings-pythonapp

Run in Kubernetes

Deploy Assets

  1. In your CLI window, in the bindings directory run:
kubectl apply -f ./deploy

This will deploy bindings-pythonapp microservices. It will also apply the commercetools bindings component configuration you set up in the last step.

Kubernetes deployments are asyncronous. This means you'll need to wait for the deployment to complete before moving on to the next steps. You can do so with the following command:

kubectl rollout status deploy/bindings-pythonapp
  1. Run kubectl get pods to see that pods were correctly provisioned.

Observe Logs

Observe the Python app logs, which show a successful output binding with Kafka:

kubectl get pods

The output should look like this:

NAME                                    READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
bindings-pythonapp-644489969b-c8lg5     2/2     Running       0          4m9s

Look at the Python app logs by running:

kubectl logs --selector app=bindingspythonapp -c python --tail=-1
commercetoolsAPI: GraphQLQuery


Once you're done, you can spin down your Kubernetes resources by running:

kubectl delete -f ./deploy

This will spin down each resource defined by the .yaml files in the deploy directory, including the commercetools component.

How it Works

Now that you've run the quickstart locally and/or in Kubernetes, let's unpack how this all works. The app is composed of an output binding app:

commercetools Bindings yaml

Before looking at the application code, let's see the commercetools bindings component yamls(local, and Kubernetes), which specify API client settings for commercetools connection.

See the howtos in references for the details on input and output bindings

This configuration yaml creates sample-project component to set up commercetools an output binding through the commercetools project-key project.

kind: Component
  name: sample-project
  namespace: commerce
  type: bindings.commercetools
  version: v1
  - name: Region
    value: europe-west1
  - name: Provider
    value: gcp
  - name: ProjectKey
    value: project-key
  - name: ClientID
    value: client-id
  - name: ClientSecret
    value: client-secret
  - name: Scopes
    value: manage_project:project-key

Python Output binding app

Navigate to the pythonapp directory and open, the code for the output bindings sample app. This sends POST request to Dapr http endpoint http://localhost:3500/v1.0/bindings/<output_bindings_name> with the event payload every second. This app uses sample-project bindings component name as <output_bindings_name>. Then Dapr runtime will send the event to project-key project which is specified in the above commercetools bindings component yaml.

dapr_url = "http://localhost:{}/v1.0/bindings/sample-project".format(dapr_port)
n = 0
while True:
    n += 1
    queryProductProjectionSearch = ''\
        'query { '\
            'productProjectionSearch(text: "bag", locale: "en", limit: 25) {'\
                'total '\
                'count '\
                'results { '\
                    'id '\
                    'name (locale: "en") '\
                    'slug (locale: "en") '\
    query = queryProductProjectionSearch
    graphQLPayload = { "data": { "commercetoolsAPI": "GraphQLQuery", "query": query }, "operation": "create" }
    print(payload, flush=True)
        response =, json=graphQLPayload)
        dict = response.json()
        print('products found: '+str(dict['productProjectionSearch']['count']), flush=True)
            for key in dict['productProjectionSearch']['results']:
                print ("- product name: "+key["slug"], flush=True)

    except Exception as e:


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