A simple python script that can be run Python 3.6 under Windows to communicate with the Land Rover TD5 engine ECU.
To use this you will need a VAG COM KKL usb -> OBD2 cable that uses an FTDI chip.
Other software you will need:
- Python 3.6 for Windows, https://www.python.org/downloads/windows
- PyFtdi python library, https://github.com/eblot/pyftdi
- PyFtdi has dependencies on PySerial and PyUsb which should automatically be installed when you install PyFtdi.
- PyFTdi requires the native library libusb (1.0.21 or above), https://github.com/libusb/wiki
- On Windows it is neceessary to install a device driver that sits on top of the libusb DLL, this will add the FTDI cable as a virtual COM port. The simplest way to do this is to use the Zadig utility from here: http://zadig.akeo.ie.