Lepton v1.9.0 Released!
To Lepton users around the world in more than 130 countries: We hope you all stay safe, healthy, and strong as we get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Lepton will continue to be free, as always. If you find this app helpful, we encourage you to make a donation to a local or global charity of your choice to help fight against the pandemic. Together, we can make the world a better place. ❤️
Enhancement & Features
- Added touch bar support (@seancheung) #402
- Configure shortcuts via
(@moia-sven-ole) #404
"shortcuts": {
"keyShortcutForSearch": "CMD+F",
"keyNewGist": "CommandOrControl+N",
"keyEditGist": "CommandOrControl+E",
"keySubmitGist": "CommandOrControl+S",
"keyImmersiveMode": "CommandOrControl+I",
"keyAboutPage": "CommandOrControl+,",
"keyDashboard": "CommandOrControl+D",
"keyEditorExit": "CommandOrControl+Escape",
"keySyncGists": "CommandOrControl+R"
- Rename
gist assecret
gist #383 - Send new version notice when available
Other changes
The auto-update no longer works on macOS as explained in #385.
- Lepton-1.x.x-mac.zip
- Lepton-1.x.x.dmg
- Installer
- Lepton-Setup-1.x.x.exe (32 bit + 64 bit)
- The appropriate arch will be installed automatically.
- Lepton-Setup-1.x.x.exe (32 bit + 64 bit)
- 7z
- Lepton-1.x.x-win.7z (64 bit)
- Lepton-1.x.x-ia32-win.7z (32 bit)
- Lepton-1.x.x-x86_64.AppImage
- Lepton_1.x.x_amd64.snap