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janderse edited this page Aug 30, 2014 · 2 revisions

You need four or five tools:

  1. An IDE such as eclipse/spe/intellij: for writing code
  2. lxml-xpath-tester: for testing xpath queries; See
  3. ipython: run and test code (your IDE may do this)
  4. : test regular expressions
  5. git and github.

Assuming you have git installed, have a github login and have forked juriscraper on github, and have locally cloned your fork of juriscraper (do: git clone )

An ipython example, assuming you are editing the file "":

cd /usr/local/juriscraper


import juriscraper

from juriscraper.opinions.united_states.federal_special import armfor

site = armfor.Site(); site.parse()

print site

(Make some changes to in your IDE)

reload(armfor); site = armfor.Site(); site.parse();

print site

(continue the last three steps until it works)

But always test with:

cd /usr/local/juriscraper

python -c opinions.united_states.federal_special.armfor -b -vv


python tests/

git add [path_to_your_file/]

git status -do things look sane?

git commit

or if you just have one thing to commit:

git commit -m "commit message" filename

git push -use your github login

go to github and issue pull request.

Common mistake: if you create a new scraper, be sure to add its filename to the file in its directory.

Clone this wiki locally