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tommbendall authored Dec 18, 2024
2 parents 43bbdad + 0db493e commit d806fb5
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Showing 5 changed files with 424 additions and 1 deletion.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions gusto/core/
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Expand Up @@ -269,6 +269,19 @@ class BoundaryLayerParameters(Configuration):
mu = 100. # Interior penalty coefficient for vertical diffusion

class HeldSuarezParameters(Configuration):
Parameters used in the default configuration for the Held Suarez test case.
T0stra = 200 # Stratosphere temp
T0surf = 315 # Surface temperature at equator
T0horiz = 60 # Equator to pole temperature difference
T0vert = 10 # Stability parameter
sigmab = 0.7 # Height of the boundary layer
tau_d = 40 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 40 day time scale
tau_u = 4 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 4 day timescale

class SubcyclingOptions(Configuration):
Describes the process of subcycling a time discretisation, by dividing the
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion gusto/physics/
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Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
from gusto.physics.chemistry import * # noqa
from gusto.physics.boundary_and_turbulence import * # noqa
from gusto.physics.microphysics import * # noqa
from gusto.physics.shallow_water_microphysics import * # noqa
from gusto.physics.shallow_water_microphysics import * # noqa
from gusto.physics.held_suarez_forcing import * # noqa
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions gusto/physics/
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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
import numpy as np
from firedrake import (Interpolator, Function, dx, pi, SpatialCoordinate,
split, conditional, ge, sin, dot, ln, cos, inner, Projector)
from firedrake.fml import subject
from gusto.core.coord_transforms import lonlatr_from_xyz
from gusto.recovery import Recoverer, BoundaryMethod
from gusto.physics.physics_parametrisation import PhysicsParametrisation
from gusto.core.labels import prognostic
from gusto.equations import thermodynamics
from gusto.core.configuration import HeldSuarezParameters
from gusto.core import logger

class Relaxation(PhysicsParametrisation):
Relaxation term for Held Suarez

def __init__(self, equation, variable_name, parameters, hs_parameters=None):
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the model's equation.
variable_name (str): the name of the variable
hs_parameters (:class'Configuration'): contains the parameters for the Held-suariez test case
label_name = f'relaxation_{variable_name}'
if hs_parameters is None:
hs_parameters = HeldSuarezParameters()
logger.warning('Using default Held-Suarez parameters')
super().__init__(equation, label_name, hs_parameters)

if equation.domain.on_sphere:
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(equation.domain.mesh)
_, lat, _ = lonlatr_from_xyz(x, y, z)
# TODO: this could be determined some other way
# Take a mid-latitude
lat = pi / 4

self.X = Function(equation.X.function_space())
X = self.X
self.domain = equation.domain
theta_idx = equation.field_names.index('theta')
self.theta = X.subfunctions[theta_idx]
Vt = equation.domain.spaces('theta')
rho_idx = equation.field_names.index('rho')
rho = split(X)[rho_idx]

boundary_method = BoundaryMethod.extruded if equation.domain.vertical_degree == 0 else None
self.rho_averaged = Function(Vt)
self.rho_recoverer = Recoverer(rho, self.rho_averaged, boundary_method=boundary_method)
self.exner = Function(Vt)
self.exner_interpolator = Interpolator(
self.rho_averaged, self.theta), self.exner)
self.sigma = Function(Vt)
kappa = equation.parameters.kappa

T0surf = hs_parameters.T0surf
T0horiz = hs_parameters.T0horiz
T0vert = hs_parameters.T0vert
T0stra = hs_parameters.T0stra

sigma_b = hs_parameters.sigmab
tau_d = hs_parameters.tau_d
tau_u = hs_parameters.tau_u

theta_condition = (T0surf - T0horiz * sin(lat)**2 - (T0vert * ln(self.exner) * cos(lat)**2)/kappa)
Theta_eq = conditional(T0stra/self.exner >= theta_condition, T0stra/self.exner, theta_condition)

# timescale of temperature forcing
tau_cond = (self.sigma**(1/kappa) - sigma_b) / (1 - sigma_b)
newton_freq = 1 / tau_d + (1/tau_u - 1/tau_d) * conditional(0 >= tau_cond, 0, tau_cond) * cos(lat)**4
forcing_expr = newton_freq * (self.theta - Theta_eq)

# Create source for forcing
self.source_relaxation = Function(Vt)
self.source_interpolator = Interpolator(forcing_expr, self.source_relaxation)

# Add relaxation term to residual
test = equation.tests[theta_idx]
dx_reduced = dx(degree=equation.domain.max_quad_degree)
forcing_form = test * self.source_relaxation * dx_reduced
equation.residual += self.label(subject(prognostic(forcing_form, 'theta'), X), self.evaluate)

def evaluate(self, x_in, dt):
Evalutes the source term generated by the physics.
x_in: (:class:`Function`): the (mixed) field to be evolved.
dt: (:class:`Constant`): the timestep, which can be the time
interval for the scheme.

# Determine sigma:= exner / exner_surf
exner_columnwise, index_data = self.domain.coords.get_column_data(self.exner, self.domain)
sigma_columnwise = np.zeros_like(exner_columnwise)
for col in range(len(exner_columnwise[:, 0])):
sigma_columnwise[col, :] = exner_columnwise[col, :] / exner_columnwise[col, 0]
self.domain.coords.set_field_from_column_data(self.sigma, sigma_columnwise, index_data)


class RayleighFriction(PhysicsParametrisation):
Forcing term on the velocity of the form
F_u = -u / a,
where a is some friction factor
def __init__(self, equation, hs_parameters=None):
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the model's equation.
hs_parameters (:class'Configuration'): contains the parameters for the Held-suariez test case
label_name = 'rayleigh_friction'
if hs_parameters is None:
hs_parameters = HeldSuarezParameters()
logger.warning('Using default Held-Suarez parameters')
super().__init__(equation, label_name, hs_parameters)

self.domain = equation.domain
self.X = Function(equation.X.function_space())
X = self.X
k = equation.domain.k
u_idx = equation.field_names.index('u')
u = split(X)[u_idx]
theta_idx = equation.field_names.index('theta')
self.theta = X.subfunctions[theta_idx]
rho_idx = equation.field_names.index('rho')
rho = split(X)[rho_idx]
Vt = equation.domain.spaces('theta')
Vu = equation.domain.spaces('HDiv')
u_hori = u - k*dot(u, k)

boundary_method = BoundaryMethod.extruded if self.domain == 0 else None
self.rho_averaged = Function(Vt)
self.exner = Function(Vt)
self.rho_recoverer = Recoverer(rho, self.rho_averaged, boundary_method=boundary_method)
self.exner_interpolator = Interpolator(
self.rho_averaged, self.theta), self.exner)

self.sigma = Function(Vt)
sigmab = hs_parameters.sigmab
kappa = equation.parameters.kappa
tau_fric = 24 * 60 * 60

tau_cond = (self.sigma**(1/kappa) - sigmab) / (1 - sigmab)
wind_timescale = conditional(ge(0, tau_cond), 0, tau_cond) / tau_fric
forcing_expr = u_hori * wind_timescale

self.source_friction = Function(Vu)
self.source_projector = Projector(forcing_expr, self.source_friction)

tests = equation.tests
test = tests[u_idx]
dx_reduced = dx(degree=equation.domain.max_quad_degree)
source_form = inner(test, self.source_friction) * dx_reduced
equation.residual += self.label(subject(prognostic(source_form, 'u'), X), self.evaluate)

def evaluate(self, x_in, dt):
Evaluates the source term generated by the physics. This does nothing if
the implicit formulation is not used.
x_in: (:class: 'Function'): the (mixed) field to be evolved.
dt: (:class: 'Constant'): the timestep, which can be the time
interval for the scheme.
# Determine sigma:= exner / exner_surf
exner_columnwise, index_data = self.domain.coords.get_column_data(self.exner, self.domain)
sigma_columnwise = np.zeros_like(exner_columnwise)
for col in range(len(exner_columnwise[:, 0])):
sigma_columnwise[col, :] = exner_columnwise[col, :] / exner_columnwise[col, 0]
self.domain.coords.set_field_from_column_data(self.sigma, sigma_columnwise, index_data)

114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions integration-tests/physics/
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
This tests the Rayleigh friction term used in the Held Suarez test case.

from gusto import *
import gusto.equations.thermodynamics as td
from gusto.core.labels import physics_label
from firedrake import (Constant, PeriodicIntervalMesh, as_vector, norm,
ExtrudedMesh, Function, dot)
from firedrake.fml import identity, drop

def run_apply_rayleigh_friction(dirname):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Set up model objects
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

dt = 3600.0

# declare grid shape, with length L and height H
L = 500.
H = 500.
nlayers = int(H / 5.)
ncolumns = int(L / 5.)

# make mesh and domain
m = PeriodicIntervalMesh(ncolumns, L)
mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=nlayers, layer_height=(H / nlayers))
domain = Domain(mesh, dt, "CG", 0)

# Set up equation
parameters = CompressibleParameters()
eqn = CompressibleEulerEquations(domain, parameters)

# I/O
output = OutputParameters(dirname=dirname+"/held_suarez_friction",
io = IO(domain, output)

# Physics scheme
physics_parametrisation = RayleighFriction(eqn)

time_discretisation = BackwardEuler(domain)

# time_discretisation = ForwardEuler(domain)
physics_schemes = [(physics_parametrisation, time_discretisation)]

# Only want time derivatives and physics terms in equation, so drop the rest
eqn.residual = eqn.residual.label_map(lambda t: any(t.has_label(time_derivative, physics_label)),
map_if_true=identity, map_if_false=drop)

# Time stepper
scheme = ForwardEuler(domain)
stepper = SplitPhysicsTimestepper(eqn, scheme, io,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Initial conditions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

Vu = domain.spaces("HDiv")
Vt = domain.spaces("theta")
Vr = domain.spaces("DG")

# Declare prognostic fields
u0 = stepper.fields("u")
rho0 = stepper.fields("rho")
theta0 = stepper.fields("theta")

# Set a background state with constant pressure and temperature
pressure = Function(Vr).interpolate(Constant(100000.))
temperature = Function(Vt).interpolate(Constant(295.))
theta_d = td.theta(parameters, temperature, pressure)

rho0.interpolate(pressure / (temperature*parameters.R_d))

# Constant horizontal wind
u0.project(as_vector([864, 0.0]))

# Answer: slower winds than initially
u_true = Function(Vu)
u_true.project(as_vector([828, 0.0]))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Run
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #, tmax=dt)

return mesh, stepper, u_true

def test_rayleigh_friction(tmpdir):

dirname = str(tmpdir)
mesh, stepper, u_true = run_apply_rayleigh_friction(dirname)

u_final = stepper.fields('u')

# Project into CG1 to get sensible values
e_x = as_vector([1.0, 0.0])
e_z = as_vector([0.0, 1.0])

DG0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
u_x_final = Function(DG0).project(dot(u_final, e_x))
u_x_true = Function(DG0).project(dot(u_true, e_x))
u_z_final = Function(DG0).project(dot(u_final, e_z))
u_z_true = Function(DG0).project(dot(u_true, e_z))

denom = norm(u_x_true)
assert norm(u_x_final - u_x_true) / denom < 0.0001, 'Final horizontal wind is incorrect'
assert norm(u_z_final - u_z_true) < 1e-12, 'Final vertical wind is incorrect'

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