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@github-actions github-actions released this 07 Nov 03:56

This is the final release of the MANDATORY Lotus v1.30.0 release, which delivers the Filecoin network version 24, codenamed Tuk Tuk 🛺. This release sets the Mainnet to upgrade at epoch 4461240, corresponding to 2024-11-20T23:00:00Z.

☢️ Upgrade Warnings ☢️

  • If you are running the v1.28.x version of Lotus, please go through the Upgrade Warnings section for the v1.28.* releases and v1.29.*, before upgrading to this release.
  • This release requires a minimum Go version of v1.22.7 or higher.
  • The releases branch has been deprecated with the 202408 split of 'Lotus Node' and 'Lotus Miner'. See for more info and alternatives for getting the latest release for both the 'Lotus Node' and 'Lotus Miner' based on the Branch and Tag Strategy.
    • To get the latest Lotus Node tag: git tag -l 'v*' | grep -v -E '-rc' | sort -V -r | head -n 1
    • To get the latest Lotus Miner tag: git tag -l 'miner/v*' | grep -v -E '-rc' | sort -V -r | head -n 1

🏛️ Filecoin network version 24 FIPs

⚠️ The activation of F3 (Fast Finality) has been postponed for mainnet due to unresolved issues in the Client/SP code and the F3 protocol itself. These issues require further testing and resolution before we can safely deploy F3 on the mainnet. Read the full post here.

📦 v15 Builtin Actor Bundle

The v15.0.0 actor bundle is used for supporting this upgrade. Make sure that your Lotus actor bundle matches the v15 actors manifest by running the following cli after upgrading to this release:

lotus state actor-cids --network-version=24
Network Version: 24
Actor Version: 15
Manifest CID: bafy2bzaceakwje2hyinucrhgtsfo44p54iw4g6otbv5ghov65vajhxgntr53u

Actor             CID  
account           bafk2bzacecia5zacqt4gvd4z7275lnkhgraq75shy63cphakphhw6crf4joii
cron              bafk2bzacecbyx7utt3tkvhqnfk64kgtlt5jlvv56o2liwczikgzfowk2cvqvk
datacap           bafk2bzacecrypcpyzidphfl3sf3vhrjbiwzu7w3hoole45wsk2bqpverw4tni
eam               bafk2bzacebybq7keb45l6isqfaiwxy5oi5wlpknhggjheut7q6xwp7mbxxku4
ethaccount        bafk2bzaceajdy72edg3t2zcb6qwv2wgdsysfwdtczcklxcp4hlwh7pkxekja4
evm               bafk2bzaceandffodu45eyro7jr7bizxw7ibipaiskt36xbp4vpvsxtrpkyjfm
init              bafk2bzaceb5mjmy56ediswt2hvwqdfs2xzi4qw3cefkufoat57yyt3iwkg7kw
multisig          bafk2bzaced3csl3buj7chpunsubrhwhchtskx674fpukfen4u6pbpkcheueya
paymentchannel    bafk2bzacea3dpsfxw7cnj6zljmjnnaubp43a5kvuausigztmukektesg2flei
placeholder       bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro
reward            bafk2bzaceapkgue3gcxmwx7bvypn33okppa2nwpelcfp7oyo5yln3brixpjpm
storagemarket     bafk2bzaceaqrnikbxymygwhwa2rsvhnqj5kfch75pn5xawnx243brqlfglsl6
storageminer      bafk2bzacecnl2hqe3nozwo7al7kdznqgdrv2hbbbmpcbcwzh3yl4trog433hc
storagepower      bafk2bzacecb3tvvppxmktll3xehjc7mqbfilt6bd4gragbdwxn77hm5frkuac
system            bafk2bzacecvcqje6kcfqeayj66hezlwzfznytwqkxgw7p64xac5f5lcwjpbwe
verifiedregistry  bafk2bzacecudaqwbz6dukmdbfok7xuxcpjqighnizhxun4spdqvnqgftkupp2

🚚 Migration

All node operators, including storage providers, should be aware that ONE pre-migration is being scheduled 120 epochs before the network upgrade. The migration for the NV24 upgrade is expected to be light with no heavy pre-migrations:

  • Pre-Migration is expected to take less then 1 minute.
  • The migration on the upgrade epoch is expected to take less than 30 seconds on a node with a NVMe-drive and a newer CPU. For nodes running on slower disks/CPU, it is still expected to take less then 1 minute.
  • RAM usages is expected to be under 20GiB RAM for both the pre-migration and migration.

We recommend node operators (who haven't enabled splitstore discard mode) that do not care about historical chain states, to prune the chain blockstore by syncing from a snapshot 1-2 days before the upgrade.

For certain node operators, such as full archival nodes or systems that need to keep large amounts of state (RPC providers), we recommend skipping the pre-migration and run the non-cached migration (i.e., just running the migration at the network upgrade epoch), and schedule for some additional downtime. Operators of such nodes can read the How to disable premigration in network upgrade tutorial.

📝 Changelog

For the set of changes since the last stable release:

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Contributors

Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Krishang 2 +34106/-0 109
Rod Vagg 86 +10643/-8291 456
Masih H. Derkani 59 +7700/-4725 298
Steven Allen 55 +6113/-3169 272
kamuik16 7 +4618/-1333 285
Jakub Sztandera 10 +3995/-1226 94
Peter Rabbitson 26 +2313/-2718 275
Viraj Bhartiya 5 +2624/-580 50
Phi 7 +1337/-1519 257
Mikers 1 +1274/-455 23
Phi-rjan 29 +736/-600 92
Andrew Jackson (Ajax) 3 +732/-504 75
LexLuthr 3 +167/-996 8
Aarsh Shah 12 +909/-177 47
web3-bot 40 +445/-550 68
Piotr Galar 6 +622/-372 15
aarshkshah1992 18 +544/-299 40
Steve Loeppky 14 +401/-196 22
Frrist 1 +403/-22 5
Łukasz Magiera 4 +266/-27 13
winniehere 1 +146/-144 3
Jon 1 +209/-41 4
Aryan Tikarya 2 +183/-8 7
adlrocha 2 +123/-38 21
dependabot[bot] 11 +87/-61 22
Jiaying Wang 8 +61/-70 12
Ian Davis 2 +60/-38 5
Aayush Rajasekaran 2 +81/-3 3
hanabi1224 4 +46/-4 5
Laurent Senta 1 +44/-1 2
jennijuju 6 +21/-20 17
parthshah1 1 +23/-13 1
Brendan O'Brien 1 +25/-10 2
Jennifer Wang 4 +24/-8 6
Matthew Rothenberg 3 +10/-18 6
riskrose 1 +8/-8 7
linghuying 1 +5/-5 5
fsgerse 2 +3/-7 3
PolyMa 1 +5/-5 5
zhangguanzhang 1 +3/-3 2
luozexuan 1 +3/-3 3
Po-Chun Chang 1 +6/-0 2
Kevin Martin 1 +4/-1 2
simlecode 1 +2/-2 2
ZenGround0 1 +2/-2 2
GFZRZK 1 +2/-1 1
DemoYeti 1 +2/-1 1
qwdsds 1 +1/-1 1
Samuel Arogbonlo 1 +2/-0 2
Elias Rad 1 +1/-1 1