This is a quick demo of what can be done easily with OpenFaaS and the existing Python module python-pptx
Sample adapted from:
This takes a JSON input as defined in "sample.json" with a title, text and image URL then creates a presentation file.
"image_url": "",
"text": "OpenFaaS",
"title": "Serverless on your servers.. yas"
Here is a quick way to deploy, if you already have FaaS and the CLI setup:
$ faas-cli -action build -f ./stack.yml
$ faas-cli -action deploy -f ./stack.yml
$ curl --data-binary @sample.json http://localhost:8080/function/on-deck > faas.pptx
Keep an eye out for how to use this with a datasource like the top trending Tweets, Hacker News stories or news headlines.