This project is a web application developed using ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework, and Bootstrap. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of building web applications with ASP.NET Core MVC, utilizing modern development practices and tools. The application includes complete CRUD functionality, a relational database integration with MySQL, and a responsive design powered by Bootstrap 5. Additionally, the project incorporates HTML5 and CSS3 for front-end development.
- ASP.NET Core MVC (version 7.0): Used for building the web application with a clear separation of concerns through the Model-View-Controller architecture.
- Entity Framework Core: Implemented as the Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for database operations, facilitating Code-First workflow and migrations.
- Bootstrap 5: Ensures responsive and modern UI design.
- MySQL (version 5): Utilized as the database management system.
- HTML5 and CSS3: Employed for creating the structure and styling of the web pages.
- Controllers: Handle user input and interactions.
- Models: Define the data structure and business logic.
- Views: Present data to the user and capture user input.
- ViewModels: Used for passing data between controllers and views.
- Configured MySQL as the database provider.
- Implemented initial and subsequent migrations using EF Core for database schema updates.
- Comprehensive Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for entities such as Departments and Sellers.
- Leveraged EF Core's LINQ queries for data manipulation.
- Employed ASP.NET Core's built-in Dependency Injection (DI) framework for service registration and management.
- Developed using Razor Pages, HTML5, and CSS3 for a seamless and interactive user experience.
- Included features like responsive design, form validations, and dynamic data display.
- Implemented robust error-handling mechanisms.
- Used data annotations for server-side validation and client-side validation scripts.
- Utilized asynchronous programming (async/await) for database operations to enhance performance.
- Version Control: The project is version-controlled using Git and hosted on GitHub.
- Deployment: Configured for HTTPS and can be debugged using IIS.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Start the application:
- Copy code: dotnet run
Open your browser and navigate to https://localhost:5001 to view the application.
Contributing: Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit pull requests with any improvements.
5* License: This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.