- It's a Web application in Angular that makes it possible to upload a document and view messages that describe inconsistencies related to a particular pattern. It corresponds to the TccInspetorWeb component of the following architecture:
- It was developed in Angular 5, HTML5 and Bootstrap
- It is deployed to Heroku
The deployment in Heroku is done as follows:
- Create an application on Heroku
- On the Deploy tab configure the connection to this repository
- Enable automatic or manual deploy
This application accesses two distinct APIs that provide REST services: one deployed in Heroku and the other in the AWS API Gateway. To access them, it is necessary to enter the corresponding values in the file src/app/file-upload/file-upload.service.ts
- Installation
$ git clone https://github.com/ericknilsen/TccInspectorWeb
$ cd TccInspectorWeb
$ npm install
- Execution
$ ng serve
Access the link http://localhost:4200