A Youtube Api module for Angular 5 and above
Supplied in UMD Bundle format through NPM
To install this library, run:
$ npm install angularx-youtube --save
You can import the library in any Angular application by running:
$ npm install angularx-youtube --save
and then from your Angular AppModule
// In yout Module
// Import the Youtube Module
import { YoutubeModule } from 'angularx-youtube';
imports: [
// Specify the library as an import
Once your module is imported, you can use it in your Angular application:
import { YoutubeComponent } from 'angularx-youtube';
<!-- You can now use the Youtube component in your app.component.html -->
You will then have full access to the Youtube iFrame Api
For example:
onReady(player): void {
this.player = player;
onChange(event): void {
MIT © Edward Payton