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Releases: dscho/git

Test, to dump the contexts

29 Oct 14:16
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Test release to dump contexts


08 Jun 08:44
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This is a preview of the range-diff command, added to Git for Windows

Fourth attempt to figure out issue 1481

07 Feb 14:06
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Version 4 of the attempt to identify the root cause of issue 1481

Third attempt to figure out issue 1481

07 Feb 13:28
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Version 3 of the attempt to identify the root cause of issue 1481

Second attempt to figure out issue 1481

07 Feb 12:16
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Version 2 of the attempt to identify the root cause of issue 1481

Attempt to diagnose Git for Windows' issue 1481

07 Feb 11:09
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Version 1 of the attempt to identify the root cause of issue 1481


28 Apr 10:11
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Testing extra HTTP headers

extra-http-headers-v0: Feature demo: extra HTTP headers

23 Apr 17:39
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This version of Git for Windows allows clients to send additional HTTP
headers with every HTTP request originating from Git's http:// and
https:// transport layer.

This is useful to offer temporary write access based on expiring tokens.

This example sends the additional header 'SecToken: cafebabe':

	git -c http.extraheader='SecToken: cafebabe' push origin HEAD

rebase-helper-v0.1: Git for Windows, rebase -i beta testers' edition, 2nd try

21 Apr 14:33
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This is an early beta test for the rebase--helper. This helper is a
builtin command whose primary role is to accelerate performance-critical
parts of interactive rebases, so that they are not all that painful in
particular on Windows.

Its secondary role, of course, is to open the door for a fully builtin
interactive rebase.

This version is very special in that its interactive rebase is
*supposed* to be slower than Git's current one: it executes both the
current shell script version as well as the rebase--helper version and
then cross-validates the results.

That means that beta testers need to be prepared to perform the exact
same conflict resolutions, rewordings and amends *twice*, and to make
sure that the exec commands are safe to be executed *twice*, too,
because every interactive rebase will be performed *twice*.

For an early glimpse at the performance to expect, set the environment
variable GIT_USE_REBASE_HELPER=true before running `git rebase -i`, and
do not try this without validating the results manually.

rebase-helper-v0: Git for Windows, rebase -i beta testers' edition

19 Apr 12:20
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This is an early beta test for the rebase--helper. This helper is a
builtin command whose primary role is to accelerate performance-critical
parts of interactive rebases, so that they are not all that painful in
particular on Windows.

Its secondary role, of course, is to open the door for a fully builtin
interactive rebase.

This version is very special in that its interactive rebase is
*supposed* to be slower than Git's current one: it executes both the
current shell script version as well as the rebase--helper version and
then cross-validates the results.

That means that beta testers need to be prepared to perform the exact
same conflict resolutions, rewordings and amends *twice*, and to make
sure that the exec commands are safe to be executed *twice*, too,
because every interactive rebase will be performed *twice*.

For an early glimpse at the performance to expect, set the environment
variable GIT_USE_REBASE_HELPER=true before running `git rebase -i`, and
do not try this without validating the results manually.