- #89 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.18.1-buster to 1.18.2-buster
- #91 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.18.2-buster to 1.18.4-buster
- #97 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.18.4-buster to 1.19.5-buster
- #98 @josegonzalez: Drop rpm support
- #100 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.19.5-buster to 1.20.1-buster
- #102 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.20.1-buster to 1.20.3-buster
- #103 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.20.3-buster to 1.20.4-buster
- #104 @josegonzalez: chore: remove use of deprecated method for setting ci output values
- #105 @josegonzalez: feat: add dependabot support to github actions
- #106 @dependabot chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3
- #107 @dependabot chore(deps): bump luizm/action-sh-checker from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
- #108 @dependabot chore(deps): bump hadolint/hadolint-action from 1.6.0 to 3.1.0
- #109 @dependabot chore(deps): bump ibiqlik/action-yamllint from 3.0.4 to 3.1.1
- #110 @dependabot chore(deps): bump ludeeus/action-shellcheck from 1.1.0 to 2.0.0
- #111 @dependabot chore(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3
- #112 @josegonzalez: Remove references to EOL stretch and bionic distributions
- #113 @dependabot chore(deps): bump golang from 1.20.4-buster to 1.20.5-buster
- #114 @Coffee2CodeNL: Add Bookworm Support