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| A Serverless DB for hobby python projects |
~ v0.0.1Beta Author: Dhrumil Mistry ~
A Serverless DB for hobby python projects
- Install using
pip3 install git+https://github.com/dmdhrumilmistry/pyserverlessdb.git
- clone/download repo
git clone https://github.com/dmdhrumilmistry/pyserverlessdb.git
- change directory
cd pyserverlessdb
- run tests
python3 setup.py test
- if test is ok, then install
pip3 install -e .
Start console using
python3 -m pyserverlessdb
command for instructions> help
Command description help prints help menu exit close interpreter dbs print all the created/connected dbs createdb creates/connects with the db seldb selects a db showdb show selected db printdb prints db content tbls show tables in selected db createtbl create a table in selected db deltbl delete a table from selected db seltbl select a table from selected db showtbl print selected table name from selected db printtbl print selected table data from selected db addobj add object to selected table in selected db updateobj update object from selected table in selected db abbreviation full form DB Database tbl Table sel Select del Delete
- Windows User need to use
instead ofpip3
instead ofpython3
- PyServerlessDB is still under development and is currently in Beta version.
- Create a issue with your idea. I will assign it to you.
- Create Fork
- Edit source code & create tests
- make Pull Request
- I everything is fine, then it will be merged to main