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If you'd like to incorporate more configuration files to accommodate additional frameworks and technologies, feel free to raise a PR to share your changes or improvements. Over time, we can build a robust catalog of configuration files that cover the diverse tools developers commonly use.
- Open a Windows PowerShell terminal
- Run the following script
if (Test-Path 'winget-config.yaml') { Remove-Item -Path 'winget-config.yaml' -Force }; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devexlead/onboarding-winget/refs/heads/main/winget-config.yaml' -OutFile 'winget-config.yaml' -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache"};
winget configure -f winget-config.yaml
if (Test-Path 'post-install.ps1') { Remove-Item -Path 'post-install.ps1' -Force }; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devexlead/onboarding-winget/refs/heads/main/post-install.ps1' -OutFile 'post-install.ps1' -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache"}; .\post-install.ps1
Here’s the list of applications that will be installed (based on the winget-config.yaml
- Visual Studio 2022 Community
- Visual Studio Code
- .NET Core 9 SDK
- Git
- GitHub Desktop
- NVM for Windows
- Redis Insight
- Amazon NoSQL Workbench
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- Docker Desktop
- Obsidian
- ShareX
- Nuget CLI
- TreeSize
- WinMerge
- PowerShell
- JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh
- 7Zip
- Microsoft.Sysinternals
- Microsoft DevTunnels
- Microsoft DevProxy
- Mozilla Firefox
- JetBrains WebStorm
- Windows Terminal
Here’s the list of applications that will be installed (based on the post-install.ps1
- Node.js (LTS) via NVM
- Angular CLI
- React CLI
- Visual Studio Code Extensions (including C#, MSSQL, Remote Containers, Remote WSL, AWS Toolkit, GitHub Copilot Chat, Kubernetes Tools, Playwright, PowerShell, and Postman)
- Internet Information Services (IIS) (multiple features enabled, such as ASP.NET 4.5, CGI, WebSockets, etc.)
- PSReadLine
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 with Ubuntu