- Platform: Android
- Language: Kotlin and coroutines
- Architecture: MVVM (Model View View Model)
- Networking: Retrofit 2
- Dependency Injection: Hilt (Googles wrapper to Dagger2 that simplifies DI boiler plate code via no components)
- Unit tests: MockK and instrumented unit tests - because Hilt injection currently wont work in plain JVM unit tests.
- UI: Use of ViewBindings, Fragments, RecyclerView and BottomSheetDialogFragment
- Downloads a list of plants via the plants API.
- Shows them in a RecyclerView list
- If user clicks on one of the plants, a slide up bottom sheet appears showing details of the plant.
Before you compile the app in Android Studio, you must set your token in the '' file which can be found in the root of this repository.
The current value of the apiToken is set to a placeholder SECRET_TOKEN like so:
# Replace SECRET_TOKEN with your Trefle API token:
# NOTE: Do not wrap the token value in quotes.
You need to replace SECRET_TOKEN with your token value WITHOUT quotes:
# Replace SECRET_TOKEN with your Trefle API token:
# NOTE: Do not wrap the token value in quotes.
apiToken = abcDEF123
If you do not have a token, sign up for a free account and get a token here link.