This git repository contains the patches needed in order to build the libraries and programs from the book "Programming the Finite Element Method" by I.M/ Smith, D.V.Griffiths and L.Margetts
The publishers homepage for the book is See also
The primary site for the programs, libraries and example datafiles in the book can be found at
All versions
Version | Date | URL | Notes |
5th_ed | 2013 | | Current |
4th_ed | 2004 | | |
3rd_ed | c.1996 | | site went down c. 1997 (workstation moved to Boulder) see README |
Numerical Methods | 2008 | | |
Risk Assesment | 2012 | | look at the list of source code references |
You may also be interested in a snapshot of the archive from the 1990s hosted by the WayBackWhen machibe :-)
The book can be purchased from
The owner of this git repository: Daniel Kidger worked with the authors during his period at the University of Manchester (1983-2001). He is particularly indebted to Prof. Ian Smith who was his Ph.D. Supervisor as well as his team leader during his subsequent years as a Post.Doc and Lecturer.
This is the 5th Edition of the book - updated in 2013 5th edition on AMAZON
The 4th Edition (2007) has as its cover a mesh of Lamaload Dam on its cover. I also get a small mention in the Acknnowledgements. This was analysed and post-processed using the tools in Danfe. That suite of FE tools was developed fom the programs found in the 2nd Ediition of this book
The 3rd Edition had as its cover a 3D mesh of the Large Hadron Collider tunnels at CERN. Again this mesh was analaysed and plotted using derivations of the programs in an earlier additon of this book