RobotConfiguration: contains a reference to all the important components such as:
- odometer
- Driver
- Ultrasond Poller
- Line Reader (uses the color sensor to detect line)
- LCDWriter
below explains each of the import classes.Note the following does not cover all of the classes but only the major structures.
###Drivable defines common behavior of classes that can be used as motor drivers
###Driver abstract class that defines common behaviors related to motor movement. RisingEdge and fallingEdge are its subclasses.
###LocateOriginDriver extends defines a more specific case of driver and contains the common behavior of risingEdge and fallingEdge.
Extend LocateOriginDriver, they are the concrete class that Implement Drivable
###UsPoller ultrasonic poller
Reads the line on the ground using a colorSensor, the public method isPassedLine() returns true when a line has crossed. Problem with this is that other classes need to poll this value very frequently inorder to not miss a line. Possible improvement may be using Event Driven machanisms.
###LCDWriter writes on the LCD basically.only important values should be written on screen since RConsole has greater freedom in the length of the message. NOTE: this method should only be called in the main method, grouping the writeToScreen method together at one place will save a lot of trouble to find all of them...
###Monitor defines the behavior of writing to a display such as the LCD display.
###Odometer updates the currentLocation (an instance of Coordinate class) in the Configuration class(an concrete implementation of RoboConfig).
for lab 5 :
- make classes that implement threads singletons. Also make them instantiated from static factories to avoid having to keep a big configuration class. The threads should be instatiated (once and only once) implicitly by the factory methods and return to who ever calls it.
- RoboConfig should only contain current/destination/start coordinates and robot wheel sizes and such.
- not sure how event driven works but it seems the way to do if many object need to get the same data from lineReader
###lab 2
light sensor correction algo:
move forward ;
boolean firstLineDetection = false ;
while (true){
if (Odometer.getPositive() == true){
firstLineDetection = true ;
lab 2 is currently done.
the final code is taged as lab2Done
line detection code is very solid and can be used for further projects