This project is currently unmaintained and deprecated.
For those looking for alternative logging frameworks for Go, logrus or glog are two modern popular choices.
go-log is a simple logging library for Go which supports logging to systemd.
This example uses the default log to log to standard out and (if available) to systemd:
package main
import (
func main() {
log.Info("Hello World.")
log.Error("There's nothing more to this program.")
package main
import (
func main() {
l := log.NewSimple(
"%s: %s[%d] %s\n",
[]string{"priority", "executable", "pid", "message"}))
l.Info("Here's a differently formatted log message.")
This example only logs messages with priority PriErr
and greater.
package main
import (
func main() {
l := log.NewSimple(
log.WriterSink(os.Stdout, log.BasicFormat, log.BasicFields),
l.Info("This will be filtered out")
l.Info("and not printed at all.")
l.Error("This will be printed, though!")
l.Critical("And so will this!")
type PriorityFilter struct {
priority log.Priority
target log.Sink
func (filter *PriorityFilter) Log(fields log.Fields) {
// lower priority values indicate more important messages
if fields["priority"].(log.Priority) <= filter.priority {
The following fields are available for use in all sinks:
"prefix" string // static field available to all sinks
"seq" uint64 // auto-incrementing sequence number
"start_time" time.Time // start time of the log
"time" string // formatted time of log entry
"full_time" time.Time // time of log entry
"rtime" time.Duration // relative time of log entry since started
"pid" int // process id
"executable" string // executable filename
In addition, if verbose=true
is passed to New()
, the following (somewhat expensive) runtime fields are also available:
"funcname" string // function name where the log function was called
"lineno" int // line number where the log function was called
"pathname" string // full pathname of caller
"filename" string // filename of caller
All these functions can also be called directly to use the default log.
func (*Logger) Log(priority Priority, v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Logf(priority Priority, format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Emergency(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Emergencyf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Alert(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Alertf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Critical(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Criticalf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Error(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Warning(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Warningf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Notice(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Noticef(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Info(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*Logger) Debug(v ...interface)
func (*Logger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
This package is a mostly-from-scratch rewrite of ccding/go-logging with some features removed and systemd support added.