Visit our website to start #writeyourfuture
Visit our website to start #writeyourfuture
This website is meant to help students find peers that are working on the same project
Custom LightDM greeter and lock screen theme for Codam. Requires nody-greeter or web-greeter
Spark sessions help beginning students dissect the first larger projects of the curriculum.
Coalition ranking system using Intranet Titles for each rank
Python 9
Custom LightDM greeter and lock screen theme for Codam. Requires nody-greeter or web-greeter
Ansible playbook to install the codam-web-greeter on a 42 network computer
This website is meant to help students find peers that are working on the same project
LightDM greeter that allows to create wonderful themes with web technologies. Made in Node.js
Visual Studio Code extension that inserts and updates the Codam header in your files
Codam header for vim. Please report issues & pull requests to 42Paris/42header directly.