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Update OPA executable version if necessary #218

Update OPA executable version if necessary

Update OPA executable version if necessary #218

name: Update OPA executable version if necessary
# Run this workflow M-F at 2:11 a.m UTC 10:11 p.m Eastern Daylight Time
- cron: "11 2 * * 1-5"
permissions: read-all
runs-on: windows-latest
contents: write
pull-requests: write
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Determine if OPA update is required
id: determine-update-required
continue-on-error: true
shell: powershell
run: |
$UpdateRequired = $false
$LatestOPAVersion = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty tag_name
$LatestOPAVersion = $LatestOPAVersion -replace "v", ""
# Check if there is already an update branch
$OPAVersionBumpBranch = "opa-version-bump-$($LatestOPAVersion)"
$Temp = git ls-remote --exit-code --heads origin $OPAVersionBumpBranch
$OPAVersionBranchExists = $false
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
$OPAVersionBranchExists = $true
# Check if our current OPA version is outdated
$OPAVersionPath = '.\PowerShell\ScubaGear\Modules\Support\Support.psm1'
$OPAVerRegex = "\'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\'"
$ExpectedVersionPattern = "ExpectedVersion = $OPAVerRegex"
$SupportModule = Get-Content $OPAVersionPath -Raw
# Find our current OPA version using some dirty string
# manipulation
$ScubaConfigPath = '.\PowerShell\ScubaGear\Modules\ScubaConfig\ScubaConfig.psm1'
$OPAVerRegex = "\'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\'"
$DefaultVersionPattern = "DefaultOPAVersion = $OPAVerRegex"
$ScubaConfigModule = Get-Content $ScubaConfigPath -Raw
$CurrentOPAVersion = '0.0.0'
if ($ScubaConfigModule -match $DefaultVersionPattern) {
$CurrentOPAVersion = ($Matches[0] -split "=")[1] -replace " ", ""
$CurrentOPAVersion = $CurrentOPAVersion -replace "'", ""
if (($LatestOPAVersion -gt $CurrentOPAVersion) -and (-not $OPAVersionBranchExists)) {
$UpdateRequired = $true
if ($UpdateRequired) {
Write-Output "OPA version update required."
else {
Write-Output "OPA version update is not required. Update branch already exists or OPA version is already up to date."
Write-Output "Current ScubaGear default OPA Version: v$($CurrentOPAVersion) Latest OPA version: v$($LatestOPAVersion)"
# pass variables to the next steps
echo latestopaversion=$LatestOPAVersion >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo opaversionbumpbranch=$OPAVersionBumpBranch >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo updaterequired=$UpdateRequired >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo currentopaversion=$CurrentOPAVersion >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Note that git-ls will always fail with exit code 1 when the branch does not exist.
# Setting exit 0 (success) at the end of this workflow to prevent that error
exit 0
- name: Update OPA version in ScubaGear
id: update-opa-version
if: steps.determine-update-required.outputs.updaterequired == 'true'
run: |
$LatestOPAVersion = "${{ steps.determine-update-required.outputs.latestopaversion }}"
$CurrentOPAVersion = "${{ steps.determine-update-required.outputs.currentopaversion }}"
# Replace Default version in Config Module
$ScubaConfigPath = '.\PowerShell\ScubaGear\Modules\ScubaConfig\ScubaConfig.psm1'
$OPAVerRegex = "\'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\'"
$DefaultVersionPattern = "DefaultOPAVersion = $OPAVerRegex"
$ScubaConfigModule = Get-Content $ScubaConfigPath -Raw
if ($ScubaConfigModule -match $DefaultVersionPattern) {
$Content = $ScubaConfigModule -replace $DefaultVersionPattern, "DefaultOPAVersion = '$LatestOPAVersion'"
Set-Content -Path $ScubaConfigPath -Value $Content -NoNewline
else {
throw "Fatal Error: Couldn't find the default OPA version in the ScubaConfig."
# Update Acceptable Versions in Support Module
$SupportModulePath = '.\PowerShell\ScubaGear\Modules\Support\Support.psm1'
$MAXIMUM_VER_PER_LINE = 4 # Handle long lines of acceptable versions
$END_VERSIONS_COMMENT = "# End Versions" # EOL comment in the PowerShell file
$EndAcceptableVerRegex = ".*$END_VERSIONS_COMMENT"
$DefaultOPAVersionVar = "[ScubaConfig]::ScubaDefault('DefaultOPAVersion')"
(Get-Content -Path $SupportModulePath) | ForEach-Object {
$EndAcceptableVarMatch = $_ -match $EndAcceptableVerRegex
if ($EndAcceptableVarMatch) {
$VersionsLength = ($_ -split ",").length
# Split the line if we reach our version limit per line
# in the the file. This is to prevent long lines.
if ($VersionsLength -gt $MAXIMUM_VER_PER_LINE) {
# Splitting lines; Current and latest OPA Version will start on the next line
$VersionsArr = $_ -split ","
# Create a new line
# Then add the new version on the next line
($VersionsArr[0..($VersionsArr.Length-2)] -join ",") + ","
" '$CurrentOPAVersion', $DefaultOPAVersionVar $END_VERSIONS_COMMENT" # 4 space indentation
elseif ($VersionsLength -eq 1) {
# if the default version is the only acceptable version
# Make `VariableName = CurrentVersion, DefaultOPAVer #EndVersionComment `
$VersionsArr = $_ -split "="
$VersionsArr[0] + "= '$CurrentOPAVersion'" + ", $DefaultOPAVersionVar $END_VERSIONS_COMMENT"
else {
# No Splitting lines; Appending new Current OPA version to acceptable version
$VersionsArr = $_ -split ","
$NewVersions = ($VersionsArr[0..($VersionsArr.Length-2)] -join ",")
$NewVersions + ", '$CurrentOPAVersion'" + ", $DefaultOPAVersionVar $END_VERSIONS_COMMENT"
else {
} | Set-Content $SupportModulePath
- name: Create the OPA update PR
if: steps.determine-update-required.outputs.updaterequired == 'true'
run: |
$LatestOPAVersion = "${{ steps.determine-update-required.outputs.latestopaversion }}"
$CurrentOPAVersion = "${{ steps.determine-update-required.outputs.currentopaversion }}"
$OPAVersionBumpBranch = "${{ steps.determine-update-required.outputs.opaversionbumpbranch }}"
# Create the PR Body
$PRTemplatePath = '.\.github\'
$Description = '<!-- Describe the "what" of your changes in detail. -->'
$Motivation = '<!-- Why is this change required\? -->'
$Testing = '<!-- see how your change affects other areas of the code, etc. -->'
$RemoveHeader = '# <!-- Use the title to describe PR changes in the imperative mood --> #'
$NewDescription = "- This pull request was created by a GitHub Action to bump ScubaGear's Open Policy Agent (OPA) executable version dependency.`n - Please fill out the rest of the template that the Action did not cover. `n"
$NewMotivation = "- Bump to the latest OPA version v$($LatestOPAVersion) `n"
$NewTesting = "- Currently a human should still check if bumping the OPA version affects ScubaGear.`n"
$Body = "This is a test body fear me"
$PRTemplateContent = (Get-Content -Path $PRTemplatePath) | ForEach-Object {
$DescriptionRegex = $_ -match $Description
$MotivationRegex = $_ -match $Motivation
$TestingRegex = $_ -match $Testing
$RemoveHeaderRegex = $_ -match $RemoveHeader # removes unneeded new line
if ($DescriptionRegex) {
$_ -replace $Description, $NewDescription
elseif ($MotivationRegex) {
$_ -replace $Motivation, $NewMotivation
elseif ($TestingRegex) {
$_ -replace $Testing, $NewTesting
elseif ($RemoveHeaderRegex) {
$_ -replace $RemoveHeader, ""
else {
$_ + "`n"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "GitHub Action"
git checkout -b "$($OPAVersionBumpBranch)"
git add .
git commit -m "Bump OPA version from v$($CurrentOPAVersion) to v$($LatestOPAVersion)"
git push origin $OPAVersionBumpBranch
gh pr create -B main -H $OPAVersionBumpBranch --title "Bump OPA version from v$($CurrentOPAVersion) to v$($LatestOPAVersion)" --body "${PRTemplateContent}" --label "version bump"