SneakerCred utilizes ERC1155 to Manufature 'MyTeamCards', 'MyCareer', & Virtual Currency for Video Games such as 'NBA2K' series. The purpose of this project is to allow game users to be the custodians for their in-game Assets using their Wallet and also able to trade them on a decentralized exchange.
Tokenization of Sports Assets in Gaming Or “Tokenized In Game Assets” NBA2K NFT collectibles & Esport exchange Smart Contract
“This is for NBA2K Game participants to have the ability to Trade Sneakers in game for Boost Points in play making actions. *Ewing only has Nikes but can add Reeboks Under Armour- UI: in line up screen go to add a shoe, if only shows one brand… Go to your shoe collection Apply to player + Add More!
Application layer NFT Shoes +Boosts Points ERC 20 Tokens
“The players will be able to walk their created character into a virtual foot locker and shop for a new pair of kicks in the [Run the Neighborhood] (Game Mode)
- Technology Full Stack Ethereum Development Solidity Smart Contract Architecture ERC 1155 Token Factory libraries “Inheritance” Web3.Swift ios mobile Ethereum Development
0x Contract Extentions Dutch Auction
0x multi asset proxy allow multiple assets of an order ex. “selling Boost Packs”
0x instant for in game purchases
Smart Contract Architecture ERC 1155 Solidity & 0x Protocol
Making the player and object that has metadata Mapping the Struct to the Badges as an Index in storage Listing the player functionality as a String Attributes Player Position Points Badges Trade Value
Extract the players sneakers and the associated Boost Power of the shoes as a token class
Boost Points Player Badges
...a little demo
[OpenZeppelin] (https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity)
[SolidityC.R.U.D] (https://github.com/rob-Hitchens/UnorderedKeySet)
[Enjin-ERC1155] (https://github.com/enjin/erc-1155)
[0x Instant] (https://github.com/casmirconsensys/0x-launch-kit)
Remix - The web IDE used
Truffle - Development Management
Ganache - Used to generate local blockchain
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use pragma solidity ^0.5.0 for versioning. For ABI Encoding, see the ABIEncoderV2.
- Casmir Patterson - Initial work - SneakerCred
See also the list of contracts cryptokitties who inspired this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to Rob Hutchins - A Reusable Implementation of the popular storage pattern for Ethereum
- Inspiration - NBA2K 'MyTeamCards'
- [Run the Neighborhood] “The players will be able to walk their created character into a 'Virtual Foot Locker' and shop for a new pair of kicks in the (NBA2K Game Mode)"