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Run test cases directly in the host machine

Tuyen Nguyen edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

The CanITrust Backend is designed to run all Selenium tests in a Docker-container environment where all requisites for a successful test run is prepared. However, somebody might find it more convenient to run them in their own host machine, especially during development. They can see in "live-mode" how the browser is spawned and the test_app is loaded. This article shows you how it can be done.

Steps to run Selenium tests directly in the host machine

Step 0: run the test_app

The test_app needs to be started before the driver runs. In the CIT backend folder run the following command: docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d. This command starts the test_app and the dns_server.

> docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d
Starting test_app ... 
Starting test_app ... done
Starting dns_server ... 
Starting dns_server ... done
Step 1: modify the code

By default, the driver checks for the presence of the test_app and the dns_server before it executes the tests. This check is done by a "ping" to the corresponding hostnames. However, such hostnames are only available in a docker-compose context. The check is no longer needed when we start the driver manually, as the test_app and dns_server have already been started in step 0. To disable the test, comment-out some lines of code in the driver/ file, as following:

logger.debug('Wait for dns_server and test_app containers up...')
# start_containers_time = time.time()
# while not check_connect('dns_server', 53) or not check_connect('test_app', 80):
#     time.sleep(3)
#     if (time.time() - start_containers_time) > 60:
#         raise Exception('Waiting for dns_server and test_app containers up timeout > 60 secs')
# # Update DNS server
# os.system('echo "nameserver {}" > /etc/resolv.conf'.format(socket.gethostbyname('dns_server')))
logger.debug('Dns_server and test_app containers already up...')

If not being disabled, the check_connect commands in the code snippet above will never succeeds as the dns_server and test_app hostname won't be resolvable in your host machine. The script would be terminated when the timeout exception is thrown after ~60s.

Step 3: prepare the python environment

Some dependencies need to be installed for the python scripts to run properly. This can be done by running the following command:

pip install -r driver/requirements.txt

(Dependencies are listed in the driver/requirements.txt file).

Step 4: prepare the webdriver

When running in "Docker container" mode, the Backend's Selenium tests use a web-driver (Geckodriver), which is available in the driver Docker container. In order to run Selenium tests in your host machine, we will need to set up a web-driver in the host machine as well. The steps to setup a web-driver are different for different operation systems but the final goal is to have a geckodriver available in your system path. The binary of geckodriver can be downloaded from here. Apart from geckodriver, other web-drivers can also be used (e.g. chromedriver). In that case, the web-driver profile in driver/testcases/ needs to be updated accordingly.

Step 5: run the test!

After the above steps are taken, the Selenium tests are ready to be run directly in your host machine, for example:

python3 driver/ runlocal -t 38

By default, the browser (Firefox) is run in headless mode. If you want to see the browser in action, just find the following line in the driver/testcases/ file and comment it out:



It is possible to debug the test script with debugpy. You can enable this module by running the test with the following command (instead of the command shown in step 5.):

python3 -m debugpy --listen --wait-for-client driver/ runlocal -t 38

Debugpy then will listen on port 5678. You will need to connect a debugpy client via this port to the debugpy module for the test to start running.


A dependency is not available

In step 5., if running the test throws the error: No module named <module-name>, we need to verify if step 3. has been done correctly. Sometimes, due to python-version conflict, using the pip install command does not install the dependencies in the correct python environment. It is, therefore, recommended to try installing dependencies again using this command:

python3 -m pip install -r driver/requirements.txt --user
Untrusted self-signed SSL certificate

When testing the test_app using https, the self-signed SSL certificate used in the test_app will not be trusted by your host machine by default. You can decide whether to "trust" the root CA (available in test_app/src/certs-local) or run "https" testcase in the Docker-container environment, where this CA should be trusted by default.

Connection failure

If the web-driver is spawned successfully but it exits immediately with an exception similar to:

Reached error page: about:neterror?e=connectionFailure&u=https%3A//

This indicates that the browser couldn't reach the test_app. Please check the following points:

  • the test_app has been started correctly (step 0)
  • the Selenium test script uses the correct port mapping of the test_app. The default mapping configuration in the docker-compose.local.yml file maps port 80 of the test_app to port 8080 on your host machine. If you want to access the test_app via your IP, it is necessary to use port 8080. Therefore, the test script must open instead of (port 80).