†Correspondence, ‡Project Lead
Beijing Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, ByteDance Seed
- [2025.1] We release the code and dataset.
👉 We explore, for the first time, whether video generation models can learn knowledge and observe two key findings: i) merely observing videos suffices to learn complex tasks, and ii) compact representations of visual changes greatly enhance knowledge learning.
👉 We propose VideoWorld, leveraging a latent dynamics model to represent multi-step visual changes, boosting both efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge acquisition.
👉 We construct Video-GoBench, a large-scale video-based Go dataset for training and evaluation, facilitating future research on knowledge learning from pure videos.
This work explores whether a deep generative model can learn complex knowledge solely from visual input, in contrast to the prevalent focus on text-based models like large language models (LLMs). We develop \emph{VideoWorld}, an autoregressive video generation model trained on unlabeled video data, and test its knowledge acquisition abilities in video-based Go and robotic control tasks. Our experiments reveal two key findings: (1) video-only training provides sufficient information for learning knowledge, including rules, reasoning and planning capabilities, and (2) the representation of visual changes is crucial for knowledge learning. To improve both the efficiency and efficacy of knowledge learning, we introduce the Latent Dynamics Model (LDM) as a key component of VideoWorld. Remarkably, VideoWorld reaches a 5-dan professional level in the Video-GoBench with just a 300-million-parameter model, without relying on search algorithms or reward mechanisms typical in reinforcement learning. In robotic tasks, VideoWorld effectively learns diverse control operations and generalizes across environments, approaching the performance of oracle models in CALVIN and RLBench. This study opens new avenues for knowledge acquisition from visual data, with all code, data, and models to be open-sourced for further research.
Overview of the proposed VideoWorld model architecture. (Left) Overall architecture. (Right) The proposed latent dynamics model (LDM). First, LDM compresses the visual changes from each frame to its subsequent H frames into compact and informative latent codes. Then, an auto-regressive transformer seamlessly integrates the output of LDM with the next token prediction paradigm.conda create -n videoworld python=3.10 -y
conda activate videoworld
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
git clone https://github.com/bytedance/VideoWorld.git
cd VideoWorld
bash install.sh
VideoWorld relies on the Katago Go engine. We provide scripts to facilitate battles against our model; install Katago to engage in these matches.
cd VideoWorld # This VideoWorld is located in a subdirectory.
bash install_katago.sh
or follow the official installation instructions: https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo
We provide a version of the weights for playing against humans in https://huggingface.co/maverickrzw/VideoWorld-GoBattle. Use the script to start a match:
# Please place the weight in the path: ./VideoWorld/work_dirs/go_battle.pth
cd VideoWorld # This VideoWorld is located in a subdirectory.
bash ./tools/battle_vs_human.sh
Download CALVIN dataset follow the official instructions and organize it as follows:
├── VideoWorld
│ ├── VideoWorld
│ │ └── data
│ └── └── calvin
Testing requires the CALVIN environment configuration. We have automated the installation of CALVIN in the install.sh script. If any issues arise, please refer to the official installation instructions: https://github.com/mees/calvin
cd VideoWorld # This VideoWorld is located in a subdirectory.
# Since we only tested the tasks of opening drawers, pushing
# blocks, and switching lights, the original CALVIN test task
# construction script needs to be replaced.
rm -r ../calvin/calvin_models/calvin_agent/evaluation/multistep_sequences.py
cp ./tools/calvin_utils/multistep_sequences.py ../calvin/calvin_models/calvin_agent/evaluation/
bash ./tools/calvin_test.sh
Our training consists of two stages: LDM training and autoregressive transformer training. We use the CALVIN robotic environment as an example to demonstrate how to initiate the training.
Download CALVIN dataset follow the official instructions and organize it as follows:
├── VideoWorld
│ ├── LDM
│ │ │── data
│ │ │ └── calvin
│ │ └── work_dirs
│ │ └── magvit_init.pth
│ │── VideoWorld
│ │ └── work_dirs
│ │ │── calvin_fsq.pth
│ └── └── Intern_300m
To initiate LDM training, use the script ./LDM/tools/calvin_ldm_train.sh. The training requires the Magvit weights we pre-trained on natural image reconstruction as initialization—please place them at the specified path. Once training completes, the latent codes for the training set will be automatically saved to ./LDM/work_dirs/calvin_ldm_results.pth, and a UMAP visualization of these codes will also be generated.
cd LDM
bash ./tools/calvin_ldm_train.sh
We incorporate the LDM-generated latent codes into the configuration, then initiate the autoregressive transformer training. Please store the dataset in the same path used for inference, and place the tokenizer weights in the location specified above.
cd VideoWorld
bash ./tools/calvin_train.sh
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={VideoWorld: Exploring Knowledge Learning from Unlabeled Videos},
author={Zhongwei Ren and Yunchao Wei and Xun Guo and Yao Zhao and Bingyi Kang and Jiashi Feng and Xiaojie Jin},