Hello world! 👋 This is my personal website. A place to show my profile, photo, projects, and experience in web development journey.
- Hero: Introduction about me.
- About: Brief bio and my personal story.
- Featured Projects: Showcase featured projects I've done.
- Featured Posts: Showcase featured posts I've done.
Projects: Showcase of my works on web development
Blog: Thoughts, web development tips, and self-help book summaries
Contact: Contact form for visitors to reach me out.
- Live Preview: budigunawan.com
- Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/RnMTmQul8AerqRZ1DMrui9/budigunawan.com?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=P9OOm2BQvnK5D4tE-1
- Github: https://github.com/budiigunawan/budigunawan.com
- Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/buigun
- Twitter/X: twitter.com/buigun
- Instagram: instagram.com/buigun
- CV/Resume: cv.budigunawan.com