You'll need the following packages
- clang, gcc, lld, mold, cmake, ninja, rust (rustc + cargo), just (build runner) To install Rust: To install the remaining tools for:
- Gentoo:
emerge gcc lld mold cmake ninja && cargo install -f just
- Arch:
pacman -Syu build-tools lld mold just cmake ninja
I don't own a Windows machine, but I assume you'll need:
- rust:
- mingw
- lld
- clang
- cmake
- ninja
Once all the platform build tools are installed, you'll need to run the following prebuild steps
rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup component add rust-src
Then, you'll want to build your bots and move their .wasm file over to the bots/
In order to configure the project, run:
just configure
For Windows users, run:
just configure_windows
Finally, to actually run the project, run:
just run[_windows]
just run[_windows]_release
To just build and not run the project, replace run with build for the commands above
If you want to just compile a release build for Linux: run docker run -v (pwd):/build shooter2_c && build/debug/main