This is my personal website which contains about my profile, photos, links,social media, projects, skills, testimonials and more ..
- Home: This page should introduce we to the visitbreors and provide an overview of what they can find on the site.
- About Me: This page should give a brief bio and share our personal story.
- Portfolio: Use this page to showcase the work we've done. Each project should include a description, what we have learned or achieved from it, and any relevant visuals.
- Skills : This page should include my skills about fullstack mobile and web development
- Contact Me: This page should include a contact form so visitors can reach out to we. We may also want to include our professional social media links here.
- Testimonials : This page should include testimonials my customers
- Download CV : This page should include my resume CV (Curiculum Vitea) that can be download
- Figma: portofolio-desain
- Website:
- Github :
Social Media Profiles:
If you're interested in collaborating or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to me via social media.