NOTE: This gem is no longer maintained. Please contact me if you are interested in helping maintain it.
1. Add the dependencies to your Gemfile
gem 'backup2s3'
2. Run the generator in your application root directory
rails g backup2s3
3. Change your settings in config/backup2s3.yml
USAGE (rake tasks)
Create -- Creates a backup and moves it to S3
-- comment - Add notes here to mark specific backups (optional)
rake backup2s3:backup:create
rake backup2s3:backup:create comment='put notes about backup here if needed'
Delete -- Deletes the specified backup
-- id - Backup to delete, backup ids will be found using List
rake backup2s3:backup:delete id='20100913180541'
List -- Lists all backups that are currently on S3
-- details - Setting details to true will display backup file names
and backup comments (optional)
rake backup2s3:backup:list
rake backup2s3:backup:list details=true
Restore -- Restores a specific backup
-- id - Backup to restore, backup ids will be found using List task
rake backup2s3:backup:restore id='20100913180541'