Advent-of-Cyber-2020 Tryhackme event Advent of Cyber 2020 !!! 1-web exploitation 1-No answer needed 2-what is the name of the cookie for authentication? press F12 auth 3-In what format the value of cookie is encoded? Hexadecimal 4-Having decoding the cookie in what format data is stored in ? Json(after decoding we get {"company":"The Best Festival Company", "username":"admin"}) ### 5-What is the value of santa cookie? 7B22636F6D70616E79223A22546865204265737420466573746976616C20436F6D70616E 79222C2022757365726E616D65223A2273616E7461227D 6-After reactivating the assembly line what is the flag you are given? THM{MjY0Yzg5NTJmY2Q1NzM1NjBmZWFhYmQy} 2- Web Exploitation (The Elf Strikes back) 1-What string of text needs added to the URL to get access to the upload page? ?id=ODIzODI5MTNiYmYw actual url path http:///index.php?id=ODIzODI5MTNiYmYw 2-What type of file is accepted by the site? ->image 3-in which directry upload files are stored [: payload works = .png.php] /uploads/{use gobuser or dirbuster} 4-no answer needed 5-What is the flag in /var/www/flag.txt? THM{MGU3Y2UyMGUwNjExYTY4NTAxOWJhMzhh} 3- Web Exploitation (Christmas Choas) 1-no answer needed 2-what is the flag THM{885ffab980e049847516f9d8fe99ad1a}