A cluster of .ovf (OOMMF vector format) files containing spatio-temporal information of spin-waves are post-processed to plot the spin-wave dispersion curve. The post-processing algorithm is adopted from [1].
Additionally, space-time variation of spin-waves can be also be plotted and theoretical calculation of dispersion function and group velocity of the lowest order mode of the three classes of spin-waves namely Backward volume spin-waves (BVSWs), Forward volume spin-waves (FVSWs) and Surface spin-waves (SSWs) are done with and without the exchange effcet.
[1] Kumar, D., Dmytriiev, O., Ponraj, S. and Barman, A., 2011. Numerical calculation of spin wave dispersions in magnetic nanostructures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(1), p.015001.