This repo contains materials for my presentation on introductory GIS using R at the May 2021 Washington, DC Journalism R "Unconference" hosted by Andrew Ba Tran.
If you would like to clone this repo into an R project in one step to follow along, you can do so by running this line in the console:
The primary geospatial packages we'll be touching on will be:
The packages you'll need to install to accompany this repo if you don't have them already can be done by running this code in R:
install.packages(c("sf", "tmap", "tmaptools", "tigris", "leaflet", "maps", "geosphere", "htmltools", "rmapshaper", "here"))
Note that depending on your operating system, you may need to install several dependencies such as GDAL outside of R itself (i.e. on the computer separately). A helpful walkthrough of how to do this on Windows, Mac and Linux is available from the Carpentries.
We'll also be discussing the importance of coordinate reference systems, and a resource for more information on that topic can be found on the irreverent yet informative site here.